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Re: [Pan-users] Losing headers after clicking off of a group?

From: Frisky Weasel
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Losing headers after clicking off of a group?
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2018 23:24:01 +0000 (UTC)

genius!!! ;-)

this was exactly the issue - i re-ran the exact same test i described in my previous email, including my header setting of "retrieve 10000", but before doing so i modified the server setting and set it to "never expire old articles" - this time i did not lose a single header!

thanks a bunch for taking the time to help me out!

On Thursday, July 26, 2018, 3:43:13 AM CDT, Heinz Mezera <address@hidden> wrote:

One more setting comes to my mind. In Server Settings you can define
how old Articles are allowed until they are "removed" and you used
"Retrieve 10000" and not last x days. So the articles might have been
to old and removed when you returned to a group. Try to subscribe to a
busy group and check article dates (usually last column in header

Am Mittwoch, den 25.07.2018, 14:31 +0000 schrieb Frisky Weasel:
> thank you Heinz for the reply and sorry for the delayed response -
> i checked my preferences, but under Preferences > Behavior > Group
> there was only one item checked - "Get new headers when entering
> group"
> Earlier I had said that I think when i click away from a populated
> group, and then click back on that group again, and i lose my
> previously retrieved headers, that Pan would then retrieve only the
> few new headers that had been posted since that last time I had
> loaded headers for that group. I'm not so sure that's correct. After
> most of my headers disappeared, i checked the date stamp on the
> remaining few and they were not newly-posted articles.....It seems
> that they are just a few of the most recent. So instead it seems the
> actual behavior is that when i come back to/revisit a previously
> loaded group, Pan is just deleting all but a few of the articles
> (it's not a set-in-stone number....sometimes it leaves 2 headers
> remaining...sometimes pattern to it).
> I tried a simple test to narrow down the behavior, but not having
> much luck i'm afraid:
> I right-clicked and did a "subscribe" on the 1st 2 groups in my list,
> and then scrolled down and did the same for a linux iso binaries
> group, so im now subscribed to these 3 groups:
> 0
> 0.akita-inu
> alt.binaries.linux.iso
> I clicked on each one, and when the header retrieval box popped up, i
> selected the same option for each one of them...."get the latest N
> headers", and i set the number to ten-thousand (10000). I then
> clicked execute, Pan successfully retrieved some headers, and I then
> moved to the next group and did the same process.........when
> finished, my mouse focus was resting on the "alt.binaries.linux.iso"
> group, and my "subscribed groups" section now looked like this:
> 0 (180)
> 0.akita-inu (1785)
> alt.binaries.linux.iso (131)
> i took my mouse and clicked back onto the first group in the list,
> the "0" soon as i did, the headers disappeared from the
> right hand side, and on the left-hand listing, the "0" group under
> subscribed groups section went from looking like this: 0 (180) to
> this: 0 - it was also bold before, and it switched from bold to
> normal
> i then clicked once on the next subscribed group in my list. In this
> case, it remained bold, but it changed from this: 0.akita-inu (1785)
> to this 0.akita-inu (2)
> i then clicked on the 3rd subscribed group in my list. In this case
> it behaved EXACTLY like i wanted lol....After clicking on it, it
> continued to remain bold, and displayed this: alt.binaries.linux.iso
> (131) .... all of the individual headers on the right-hand side
> remained...none were lost...this is exactly the behavior i had
> expected for all of my groups/headers from the very start
> I then proceeded to just click around randomly in the app, and
> randomly returning and clicking on the alt.binaries.linux.iso group
> to see if it would lose its headers. It never did.
> I completely shut down Pan entirely, and re-launched it.
> alt.binaries.linux.iso was still bold and still had all its headers.
> I should mention that the above testing was all done on a different
> machine than my first post. First box was Ubuntu 18.04 running 0.144.
> This is a linux mint 18.3 box running the latest version of Pan from
> the PPA (ver 0.145). I wanted to see if the behavior on my Mint
> machine would match what i saw with my Ubuntu 18.04
> seems that it does.
> In any case, just wanted to pass this test along in case anyone
> wanted to see if they could replicate the behavior. I'm really not
> sure if this is a bug, by design, or if there's just something I'm
> missing and maybe i have a setting "off" somewhere.
> I didn't have much luck finding other nice / clean GUI usenet clients
> for linux, so i really really wanted Pan to work.....and it seems
> like it does for most folks....not sure what's happening in my
> case...P.E.B.K.A.C. maybe ; )
> in any case thanks again for trying to help me - much appreciated!
> On Friday, July 20, 2018, 12:48:16 AM CDT, Heinz Mezera <address@hidden
>> wrote:
> Check your settings. I have a German UI here and try to translate.
> Am Freitag, den 20.07.2018, 04:39 +0000 schrieb Frisky Weasel:
> > hi guys - loving Pan so far, but having one small problem. This
> > may
> > be by design, but I can't quite make sense of it.
> > <...>
> > successfully......BUT...when i then click back on group "a.b.1", my
> > 30,000 headers just seem to  completely disappear and it looks like
> > it then retrieves the new headers that came in since the last time
> > was on that group
> Behavior --> Groups --> you might have "Mark articles read when
> leaving
> the group" checked.
> > i dont want that - i want it to keep all of my retrieved headers no
> > matter where else i go in the app, until i explicitly remove
> > them...
> >
> > any ideas what i might be missing? im thinking this may be a
> > feature
> > and not a bug, but i cant make sense of why it would do that
> >
> > thanks for any help/tips
> Heinz
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