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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Document storing system / ACL question

From: Peter J. Weyers
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Document storing system / ACL question
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 15:07:51 +0100 (CET)

On Fri, 14 Dec 2001, Del wrote:

> Yes, very interested.

I've you're interested in a technical preview working with 0.9.12, PHP4
and MySQL only, I could make it public very soon. (some function still use
mysql calls instead of $db-> )

> >  A Document contains a Title, description and optional several
> > downloadable files and is owned by exactly one user.

> >  Each document can be asociated with a group. ACLs can be defined for
> > users and groups on specific documents, all document belonginge to a group
> > or all documents.  Right now, it's using its own categories. There are
> > general ACLs for maintaining categories as well.
> Can you apply a default group of categories, eg:
> All users in "DocReaders" group have "read" access to all documents.
> All users in "DocWriters" group have "write" access to all documents.

Well, that has nothing to do with categories. Categories are totally apart
from the ACL mechanism I'm using, they are just used for sorting.

But what you're asking for works, that's the reason for me asking for the
"acl_location" field. Right now, I defined a location 'docs' and everybody
having the right ACL_PHPGW_READ to the location 'docs' or belonging to a
group that has, may read any docs. Same is true of course for adding and

BTW: For this, I defined my own function to join rights from the user and
the group he/she is a member of. Shouldn't there be a function doing that
in the acl class? Did I miss it? 

To be honest, I don't know if the way I'm using the ACL table is correct.
I'd like to get some information about that ... 

If you realy want to, you could give somebody the right to delete a
document without beeing allowed to read it ... he just will never get a
chance to do it (without typing URLs by hand) because he never will
get a page where he can choose to delete it ;-) 


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