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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Re: [ phpgroupware-Bugs-445721 ] email

From: Dan Kuykendall (Seek3r)
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Re: [ phpgroupware-Bugs-445721 ] email password not saved.
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 12:30:55 -0800

Miles Lott wrote:
> Tony (Angles) Puglisi wrote:
> > Am I a project Admin?
> The admins are jengo, seek3r, skeeter, and myself.  ceb and knecke
> are also major contributors and have either been admins or should
> be, imo.  It is not up to me who becomes an admin, btw.

The only reason ceb and knecke are not full admins is because we basicly
have enough. But ceb and knecke know they have our full confidence.
Angles, you are not an admin, but quite appreciated and respected. You
are the main email developer, which is quite important.

> > Please recall:
> >
> > 1) I had fixed this crypto class long ago, during the .12 development, 
> > however at
> > the time there was a general "do not commit to API" ruling and I could not 
> > commit
> > the fix. Additionally, I was approved only to make a "workaround" for this 
> > issue
> > that could not be part of the crypto class. This workaround has now added 
> > to the
> > issue we face today.
> > Conclusion: Had I committed the crypto fix then, these email thread would 
> > not exist
> > today.
> The real fix that will come about as this is settled is one that the
> admins
> definitely need to understand and be actively involved in coding.

Agreed. The crypto class is important, but the implementation isnt
exactly consistant. Milosch is now working on cleaning this up, and I
think that will help.

> > 2) Regularly I read bug reports on issues in .12 email that I fixed in the 
> > .12.1
> > branch. Regularly my response is to do a checkout of the .12.1 branch. 
> > However, at
> > the time, some people accused my of being a "non-team-player" by continuing 
> > to
> > commiting to that branch.
> > Conclusion: FUD != "Angles is not a team player". Quite to the contrary, a 
> > "team
> > player" takes the time to understand what the other guy is doing before 
> > condeming
> > it. Unquestionably aceeding to the FUD would have cause these bugs to 
> > persist in
> > the .12.x version.
> You repeatedly ignored the requests of jengo and myself not to commit
> these changes
> to what was considered to be a stable release.  This is a matter of
> policy, and we
> cannot have developers making up their own minds about what is stable or
> unstable
> post release.

Angles, I know you have been working hard and I think of you as a major
part of the team, but you do have a habit of doing things your way. I
take the blame for much of this because I havent been as fully active as
I need to be, so the leadership vacumm is a major cause of you feeling
like you need to make some of the decisions so that you can get your
stuff done.

> > 3) I have features which, if I add, I will get $50 US GREEN for. Certain
> > restrictions will most likely bring about a repeat of the crypto fiasco 
> > outlined in
> > item (1).

Im still waiting for the features so I can send you the pitance. I know
the effort is worth much more, but as I said, its all I can offer at the

> One of your primary goals here should be to make sure that the admins
> are aware
> and have understanding of what you are committing to the api.

This is the important thing. Anything that is going into the api *MUST*
go thru one of the admins. it is terribly difficult to control the API
when everyone feels free to mess with it. The API is critical to the
project, and we are trying to re-vamp it to handle opening up to
xml-rpc. So we need to keep commits to the API to being done by the few
that understand all the implecations we are dealing with for secuirty
and overall design.

> Also, keep in mind
> that while this is supposed to be fun, it is also not an anarchy.  There
> must be some order to how things are done, with communication being done on 
> the
> terms of the project admins, and especially our fearless leaders jengo and
> seek3r.

I am working hard on fixing my schedule to allow me more time in IRC and
dealing with emails. If I am not able to work out the issues preventing
me the time I need for phpGroupWare, then I plan to quit this job and
find another one that will. phpGW is important to me and I want everyone
to know that I am trying hard to get more time for it.

> Since I am often more present on irc and in cvs for the last several
> months, I feel it is my responsibility to maintain some sense of order in my
> capacity as a project admin.

I am grateful that you and skeeter have been around alot lately. We need
more borgs like you

> > Thanks.
> >
> > p.s. If I sound pissed it's because I am working EXTREMELY hard to code 
> > these
> > features while I have the time. When things get busy at work again, if these
> > features are not in, features which I need and others need "before 
> > yesterday", then
> > I will have to wait for another lull at work, for which I can not predict.
> I know you are working very hard, and it is appreciated.


Dont be angered, we are just trying to keep things organized and running


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