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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Re: [ phpgroupware-Bugs-445721 ] email

From: Tony (Angles) Puglisi
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Re: [ phpgroupware-Bugs-445721 ] email password not saved.
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 20:02:46 +0000

Miles Lott (address@hidden) wrote*:
>app_session and others have been calling a wrapper
>for encrypt/decrypt in the common class.  This wrapper also has
>been serializing/deserializing, for about a year now.

Actually, I've been following this issue for 6 months now. Almost every where I
look throught the code, the common class wrapper call has been ditched. Over 
time I
have seen various comments in the code like "could not get this to work", then 
coder comments out the common wrapper and makes a direct call.

I found one of these comments in the login.php page some time ago, I don't know 
it's there still.

Why was common wrapper ditched by the coders: it made crypto even MORE broke.
that's "angle" as in geometry

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