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[Phpgroupware-developers] Re: [ phpgroupware-Bugs-479116 ] Email Prefere

From: Tony (Angles) Puglisi
Subject: [Phpgroupware-developers] Re: [ phpgroupware-Bugs-479116 ] Email Preferences are not updated
Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2001 06:38:10 +0000

Last week, email Pref handling re-writting was completed.

This was needed anyway, but when some of the pref code was moved from the email
class to the preference class, that developer missed some *small* things that 
prefs saving errors. I forget who moved the code, but he/she did a damned good 
of moving some super mangled code, just a small miss.

The whole things needed re-tooling anyway, to that was finished last week.

HEAD EMAIL prefs are handled as such:

Standard Preferences: click submit and whatever changes you make should be 
saved as

Custom prefs: If you check "use custom settings", and leave some (or every) 
prefs values blank, the pref class will use appropiate defaults for whatever 
you do
not specify when it reads the prefs from the database. This is not obvious 
when you load the email prefs page, whatever custom prefs you have not specified
will be filled in with server default values for your "convienence" :)

If you check "use custom settings", and you specify some custom prefs, such as
"Email Account Name",  then whatever you fill in will be saved for that pref 
if that does NOT happen then that is a serious problem!

Then only things you can not leave blank are the 2 combo boxes, for " Mail 
type" and "IMAP Server Type - If Applicable", (combo boxes don't have a blank
setting) but at least they start out with the default selected anyway.

The custom pref "U-Wash Mail Folder* - If Applicable" defaults to "mail" (no
quotes). This is the only custom preference for which an empty string is a valid
option. UWash IMAP is filesystem based. A blank value here will cause UWash to 
for email "folders" (really files in the MBOX format) starting from your $HOME

Historically, phpGroupWare defaulted to $HOME/mail as the location for MBOX 
(UWash folders). This is why the default value is "mail", so upgrades happen
transparently, but still the user (and the admin if $GLOBALS["phpgw_info"]
["server"] ["mail_folder"] = "mail" ever becomes an admin changable option) can
specify where their MBOX files are. Pine, for example, puts folders in "Mail" (I
think) which != "mail", any MBOX files in "Mail" would not be available to 
phpgw is
it only looked in "mail" (as an example).

In short, I don't know how old these bug reports are, but try again.

With respect to custom email passwords, crypto has been changed and I have yet 
adapt the current email code to it, no time yet...

address@hidden wrote*:
>Bugs item #479116, was opened at 2001-11-07 06:35
>You can respond by visiting:
>Category: Email
>Group: Stable Code
>Status: Open
>Resolution: None
>Priority: 5
>Submitted By: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
>>Assigned to: Tony Angles Puglisi (angles)
>Summary: Email Preferences are not updated
>Initial Comment:
>Trying to change anything on the Preferences/E-Mail
>preferences page fails.  No error messages. But no
>changes either.
>Comment By: Tony Angles Puglisi (angles)
>Date: 2001-11-30 16:50
>Logged In: YES
>by the way, I assumed you were talking about HEAD cvs code.
>If you are using a release version, please upgrade, and if
>using release 0.9.12, please upgrade to the code in cvs
>"stable" branch tagged:
>Comment By: Tony Angles Puglisi (angles)
>Date: 2001-11-30 16:42
>Logged In: YES
>This is now fixed in HEAD (devel code) cvs. Please test.
>Comment By: Tony Angles Puglisi (angles)
>Date: 2001-11-28 06:37
>Logged In: YES
>Email preference handling has been moved from the email app
>into the preferences class. Apparently there was some
>problem in moving the code, because this bug did not exist
>before that code move.
>You can respond by visiting:
that's "angle" as in geometry

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