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[Savannah-hackers] submission of mytunes - an mp3 player. - savannah.non

From: b00tle99a
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] submission of mytunes - an mp3 player. -
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2003 16:34:15 -0400
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A package was submitted to
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William Cahill <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
License: gpl
Other License: 
Package: mytunes - an mp3 player.
System name: mytunes
Type: non-GNU

mytunes is going to be a wonderful new mp3 player.  I had searched the web, 
including the savannah sites, for mp3 players, and couldn't find any ones to my 
liking, particularly any made for NeXT/Open/GNUstep.  So I started my own.  The 
current (almost ready?) source code can be found at (theres also a bz2'd 
version).  I say almost ready because I still have to work out some gui issues, 
fix audio, but generally everything I want for the first release is there.  I 
had originally intended it to be an xmms-frontend (so you may notice references 
to xmms throughout the code/gui), but I decided to switch gears and go without 
xmms.  The main advantage (I hope) that mytunes will have over other, players 
(like xmms) is reasonable playlist support.  I have recently switched from osx 
to gnu/linux, and I had loved iTunes and how it handled all that.  So I wanted 
to mimic iTunes smart playlists, and interface a bit.  I, of course, won't 
refer to that program directly in the public description.  I tried to keep 
pretty strict to myself about GPL issues.  I made sure to have a notice at the 
top of every page, and to have the COPYING file at the root.  And, about the 
files that came up before (this is my second registration attempt): I had been 
trying several different id3 libraries (GPL'd or similar), and had intended to 
link with them, but in testing I had their source mixed with mine (sorry).  I 
think I got rid of all of them from the source directory.

Other Software Required:
mytunes depends on GNUstep, Open/NeXTstep, or Mac OS X, or similar system 
(foundation and appkit libraries).  I made it on GNUstep, but hopefully I 
avoided any GNU-specific extensions for portability's sake.  It also uses 
libmad for mpeg->pcm conversion, and libid3tag for reading (and eventually 
writing) id3 tags.

Other Comments:
I would also be interested, if I meet the requirements, for mytunes to be a 
part of the GNU project.

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