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Re: [Sipwitch-devel] build

From: farnor2
Subject: Re: [Sipwitch-devel] build
Date: Wed, 15 May 2013 07:30:06 +0200
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Siterer Антон Кудрявцев <address@hidden>:

Hello. Do you build GNU Sip Witch for Windows? And other related projects, such as GNU Common C++/uCommon, the GNU oSIP library, and the eXosip extension library for GNU oSIP. I downloaded latest stable versions of projects from GNU Project's ftp and tried build with latest version of MinGW. And I couldn't  build this projects. If you have ready exe files of GNU Sip Witch can you send it?

Anton Kudryavtsev

David wrote an answer to this a bit earlier, I quote:

"Actually sip witch and ucommon can be compiled successfully through the cmake project either with mingw32 hosted on debian, or even through a generated Visual Studio project. You will also need to have exosip2/osip2 built on Microsoft Windows, but these also will compile natively there.

We do not currently distribute pre-built binaries of sipwitch for use with Microsoft windows directly, though as we are currently able to produce sipwitch cross compiled with mingw32 tools, and we can also build a nsis installer, hosted entirely on Debian or Fedora GNU/Linux, we may actually choose to do so in the near future. However, it is not an environment I do any testing on currently (outside of wine), as I do not use Microsoft Windows."

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