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Re: [Sipwitch-devel] build

From: David Sugar
Subject: Re: [Sipwitch-devel] build
Date: Wed, 15 May 2013 08:12:53 -0400
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I should add to this that we have a git repository,
git://, which has build
scripts which will build exosip2, osip2, and ortp, on both mingw32 and
mingw64 on fedora, assuming the fedora mingw qt4, openssl and gcrypt
packages are also installed.  The resulting dlls and link libraries can
then be used to build all our packages for 32 and 64 bit window systems
on fedora.  Copying the fedora hosted mingw dll's will enable them to be
ran and used elsewhere.

Assuming the frameworks scripts are used to build exosip2, etc, on
fedora, you can do a simple clone of
git://, and run the
./ to clone our renaming packages into a source directory
build tree.  You can then use something like
"PATH=/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/bin:$PATH mingw64-cmake" or
"/usr/i686-mingw32/bin:$PATH mingw32-cmake" on fedora to build and make
the source tree.

While we used to do something similar on Debian with mingw, this became
much easier on fedora because they already pre-packaged things like qt
and openssl for mingw, 32 and 64 bit, and this meant we no longer needed
to be "in the business" of maintaining bugfix and security updates for
these things as well for our build system.  Before that we had to
package, build, test and patch these things ourselves for debian mingw
through the frameworks.

On 05/15/2013 01:30 AM, address@hidden wrote:
> Siterer Антон Кудрявцев <address@hidden>:
>>  Hello. Do you build GNU Sip Witch for Windows? And other related
>> projects, such as GNU Common C++/uCommon, the GNU oSIP library, and
>> the eXosip extension library for GNU oSIP. I downloaded latest stable
>> versions of projects from GNU Project's ftp and tried build with
>> latest version of MinGW. And I couldn't  build this projects. If you
>> have ready exe files of GNU Sip Witch can you send it?
>> Thanks.
>> -- 
>> Anton Kudryavtsev
> David wrote an answer to this a bit earlier, I quote:
> "Actually sip witch and ucommon can be compiled successfully through the
> cmake project either with mingw32 hosted on debian, or even through a
> generated Visual Studio project.  You will also need to have
> exosip2/osip2 built on Microsoft Windows, but these also will compile
> natively there.
> We do not currently distribute pre-built binaries of sipwitch for use
> with Microsoft windows directly, though as we are currently able to
> produce sipwitch cross compiled with mingw32 tools, and we can also
> build a nsis installer, hosted entirely on Debian or Fedora GNU/Linux,
> we may actually choose to do so in the near future.  However, it is not
> an environment I do any testing on currently (outside of wine), as I do
> not use Microsoft Windows."

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