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Speed and 3D space

From: Todd Allen
Subject: Speed and 3D space
Date: Fri, 06 Jun 1997 14:21:27 -0400

I have two unrelated swarm questions.

First, what sort of experiences have all of you had with speed in
swarm?  I need to be able to simulations with large numbers of agents
(500K or more) and am finding that speed becomes an issue with even a
small number of agents (5K).  Any suggestions or comments on the issue
of speed?  Specifically, is the messaging machinery of obj-C the

Second, is there a 3D space library available?  I need a way to display
agents in a 3D space and I need a way to distinguish points in the space
which have a small number of agents from those with a larger number of
agents (i.e. by the size or color of the dots in the space.)  


Todd Allen

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