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Re: Probes

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Probes
Date: 09 Mar 2001 07:57:10 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "FW" == Fred Wan <address@hidden> writes:

FW> How can this best be done with output from probes, i.e., instead
FW> of feeding them into display objects, feeding them into other
FW> (data-collection) objects or files? 

In Java, if you want to save a whole object at a timestep, use a
scheduled "Globals.env.hdf5AppArchiver.putShallow$object (name, obj);"
call.  That will write entires to APP.hdf where APP is the name of
your application.  Then you can get them back on another run with
"obj = Globals.env.hdf5AppArchiver.getObject (name);", or load the object
value into the R statistical package.  Use putDeep instead of putShallow
if the object you're saving has other objects in it.  putShallow has
the advantage of saving in a more efficient format that loads in an
intuitive table format in R.

If you just want to save a single field of an object with a probe,
then you can make a "value = messageProbe.doubleDynamicCallOn
(target);" call where you get messageProbe from a
"probeMap.getProbeForMessage (messageName);".  You'll have to save
`value' using Java file interfaces, or some ad-hoc way.

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