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Re: Documentation Updating

From: Thomas Beierlein
Subject: Re: Documentation Updating
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2022 16:53:42 +0100

Hi Alan,

Am Wed, 23 Feb 2022 09:20:52 -0500
schrieb Alan Dove <>:
> Hey, folks:
> As a recent convert to Linux-based ham radio and TLF, I'd like to help
> a bit with the project if I can. My coding is rudimentary at best, but
> I've worked as a technical writer for over 20 years and feel I could
> probably put those skills to use on the documentation.

welcome on board. Especially with regards to documentation we could use
quite some help. Your offer is gladly accepted and highly welcomed.

Maybe I should give some starters from my point of view:

* Besides the INSTALL and README file in the project root directory
  there are some files in the doc sub directory. The most out of date
  file seems to be the doc/README file which is quite dated. Maybe we
  should drop it completely in favor of the README in the base

* At the moment the documentation is quite scattered over the files in 
  the doc directory, the information on and the
  copy of the old original web side at the end of that page. 

* The most actual and correct description of the different aspects of
  TLFs configuration is the man page, which should be in a good shape.

* Maybe you should fork also .
  It contains the source for the above mentioned web page
  ( and furthermore (in 'oldmanual' subdirectory) a copy
  of the old original web page converted to asciidoc. 

Maybe that can serve as some starting points. Feel free to ask here.
Zoli, Nate and Ervin as well as others can surely give additional

73, de Tom

> I've forked the project on Github so I can edit the documentation and
> submit pull requests. I'm planning to start with the /doc/README file
> and work my way down from there. Please let me know if there's some
> more pressing need in the docs, or some other approach the developers
> would prefer I take. I don't want to step on any toes.

"Do what is needful!"
Ursula LeGuin: Earthsea

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