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tramp (; Showing directory listing from wrong host

From: Jon Schewe
Subject: tramp (; Showing directory listing from wrong host
Date: Wed, 19 May 2021 18:54:30 -0500
User-agent: Evolution 3.36.4-0ubuntu1

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Listing 1:
  total 84K
  drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May 19 08:10 .
  drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4.0K Nov  8  2020 ..
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  630 May 12  2020 01autoremove
  -r--r--r-- 1 root root 1.7K May 15 07:14 01autoremove-kernels
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  627 Aug 24  2020 01autoremove-postgresql
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   92 Apr  9  2020 01-vendor-ubuntu
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  129 Jun 27  2018 10periodic
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  108 Jun 27  2018 15update-stamp
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  602 May 12 12:10 20apt-esm-hook.conf
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   85 Jun 27  2018 20archive
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   80 Feb 21  2019 20auto-upgrades
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.1K Sep 23  2020 20packagekit
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  114 Feb 27  2019 20snapd.conf
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  625 Mar 16  2018 50command-not-found
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5.4K Jul 21  2020 50unattended-upgrades
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  182 Feb 28  2018 70debconf
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  860 Dec 20 18:18 90unattended-upgrades-overrides
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   43 Sep  1  2019 98-local-autoremove
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   28 May 19 08:10 99debug-unattended-upgrades
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  305 Jun 27  2018 99update-notifier

Listing 2:
  total 84K
  drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K May 19 08:10 .
  drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4.0K Nov  8  2020 ..
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  630 May 12  2020 01autoremove
  -r--r--r-- 1 root root 1.7K May 15 07:14 01autoremove-kernels
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  627 Aug 24  2020 01autoremove-postgresql
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   92 Apr  9  2020 01-vendor-ubuntu
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  129 Jun 27  2018 10periodic
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  108 Jun 27  2018 15update-stamp
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  602 May 12 12:10 20apt-esm-hook.conf
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   85 Jun 27  2018 20archive
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   80 Feb 21  2019 20auto-upgrades
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.1K Sep 23  2020 20packagekit
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  114 Feb 27  2019 20snapd.conf
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  625 Mar 16  2018 50command-not-found
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5.4K Jul 21  2020 50unattended-upgrades
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  182 Feb 28  2018 70debconf
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  860 Dec 20 18:18 90unattended-upgrades-overrides
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   43 Sep  1  2019 98-local-autoremove
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   28 May 19 08:10 99debug-unattended-upgrades
  -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  305 Jun 27  2018 99update-notifier

Both listings look the same. However when logging into I see the following:
>ls -l
total 64
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   92 Apr  9  2020 01-vendor-ubuntu
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  630 Dec  7 05:08 01autoremove
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 2131 Apr 25  2020 01autoremove-kernels
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   72 Nov 26  2018 02-armbian-compress-indexes
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  767 May 20  2019 02-armbian-periodic
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  602 May 12 11:10 20apt-esm-hook.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   80 Feb 21  2019 20auto-upgrades
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1040 Sep 23  2020 20packagekit
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  625 Mar 16  2018 50command-not-found
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5459 Jul 21  2020 50unattended-upgrades
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  182 Feb 28  2018 70debconf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   56 Aug  1  2018 71-armbian-no-recommends
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   26 Aug  1  2018 81-armbian-no-languages
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  918 May 15 07:09 90unattended-upgrades-overrides
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  860 Dec 20 17:24 90unattended-upgrades-overrides.~1~

Tramp appears to be confused about what directories belong to each host.

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 26.3 (build 2, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.14)
 of 2020-03-26, modified by Debian
Package: tramp (

current state:
 backup-by-copying t
 backup-by-copying-when-linked nil
 backup-by-copying-when-mismatch t
 backup-by-copying-when-privileged-mismatch 200
 backup-directory-alist '((".*" . "~/.xemacs/backups"))
 connection-local-criteria-alist nil
 connection-local-profile-alist nil
 file-name-handler-alist '(("\\(?:\\.tzst\\|\\.zst\\|\\.dz\\|\\.txz\\|\\.xz=
" . jka-compr-handler)
                           ("\\.gpg\\(~\\|\\.~[0-9]+~\\)?\\'" . epa-file-handler) ("\\`/\\(\\([^=
/|:]+:[^/|:]*|\\)*[^/|:]+\\(:[^/|:]*\\)?\\)?\\'" . tramp-completion-file-na=
                           ("^/\\(\\(?:\\([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\):\\(?:\\([^/|:        ]+\\)@\\)?\\(\\(?:[a-z=
\\(?:#[0-9]+\\)?\\)?|\\)+\\)?\\([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\):\\(?:\\([^/|:  ]+\\)@\\)?\=
.]+\\)?]\\)\\(?:#[0-9]+\\)?\\)?:\\(.*$\\)" . tramp-file-name-handler)
                           ("\\`/:" . file-name-non-special))
 password-cache t
 password-cache-expiry 16
 remote-file-name-inhibit-cache 10
 shell-prompt-pattern "^[^#$%>\n]*[#$%>] *"
 tramp-actions-before-shell '((tramp-login-prompt-regexp tramp-action-login=
) (tramp-password-prompt-regexp tramp-action-password) (tramp-wrong-passwd-=
regexp tramp-action-permission-denied)
                              (shell-prompt-pattern tramp-action-succeed) (tramp-shell-prompt-pa=
ttern tramp-action-succeed) (tramp-yesno-prompt-regexp tramp-action-yesno)
                              (tramp-yn-prompt-regexp tramp-action-yn) (tramp-terminal-prompt-re=
gexp tramp-action-terminal) (tramp-process-alive-regexp tramp-action-proces=
 tramp-actions-copy-out-of-band '((tramp-password-prompt-regexp tramp-actio=
n-password) (tramp-wrong-passwd-regexp tramp-action-permission-denied) (tra=
mp-copy-failed-regexp tramp-action-permission-denied)
                                  (tramp-process-alive-regexp tramp-action-out-of-band))
 tramp-adb-connect-if-not-connected nil
 tramp-adb-file-name-handler-alist '((access-file . ignore) (add-name-to-fi=
le . tramp-handle-add-name-to-file) (copy-file . tramp-adb-handle-copy-file=
) (delete-directory . tramp-adb-handle-delete-directory)
                                     (delete-file . tramp-adb-handle-delete-file) (directory-file-name =
. tramp-handle-directory-file-name) (directory-files . tramp-handle-directo=
                                     (directory-files-and-attributes . tramp-adb-handle-directory-files=
-and-attributes) (dired-compress-file . ignore) (dired-uncache . tramp-hand=
                                     (expand-file-name . tramp-adb-handle-expand-file-name) (file-acces=
sible-directory-p . tramp-handle-file-accessible-directory-p) (file-acl . i=
                                     (file-attributes . tramp-adb-handle-file-attributes) (file-directo=
ry-p . tramp-adb-handle-file-directory-p) (file-equal-p . tramp-handle-file=
                                     (file-executable-p . tramp-handle-file-exists-p) (file-exists-p . =
tramp-handle-file-exists-p) (file-in-directory-p . tramp-handle-file-in-dir=
                                     (file-local-copy . tramp-adb-handle-file-local-copy) (file-modes .=
 tramp-handle-file-modes) (file-name-all-completions . tramp-adb-handle-fil=
                                     (file-name-as-directory . tramp-handle-file-name-as-directory) (fi=
le-name-case-insensitive-p . tramp-handle-file-name-case-insensitive-p)
                                     (file-name-completion . tramp-handle-file-name-completion) (file-n=
ame-directory . tramp-handle-file-name-directory)
                                     (file-name-nondirectory . tramp-handle-file-name-nondirectory) (fi=
le-newer-than-file-p . tramp-handle-file-newer-than-file-p)
                                     (file-notify-add-watch . tramp-handle-file-notify-add-watch) (file=
-notify-rm-watch . tramp-handle-file-notify-rm-watch)
                                     (file-notify-valid-p . tramp-handle-file-notify-valid-p) (file-own=
ership-preserved-p . ignore) (file-readable-p . tramp-handle-file-exists-p)
                                     (file-regular-p . tramp-handle-file-regular-p) (file-remote-p . tr=
amp-handle-file-remote-p) (file-selinux-context . tramp-handle-file-selinux=
                                     (file-symlink-p . tramp-handle-file-symlink-p) (file-system-info .=
 tramp-adb-handle-file-system-info) (file-truename . tramp-adb-handle-file-=
                                     (file-writable-p . tramp-adb-handle-file-writable-p) (find-backup-=
file-name . tramp-handle-find-backup-file-name) (insert-directory . tramp-h=
                                     (insert-file-contents . tramp-handle-insert-file-contents) (load .=
 tramp-handle-load) (make-auto-save-file-name . tramp-handle-make-auto-save=
                                     (make-directory . tramp-adb-handle-make-directory) (make-directory=
-internal . ignore) (make-nearby-temp-file . tramp-handle-make-nearby-temp-=
                                     (make-symbolic-link . tramp-handle-make-symbolic-link) (process-fi=
le . tramp-adb-handle-process-file) (rename-file . tramp-adb-handle-rename-=
file) (set-file-acl . ignore)
                                     (set-file-modes . tramp-adb-handle-set-file-modes) (set-file-selin=
ux-context . ignore) (set-file-times . tramp-adb-handle-set-file-times)
                                     (set-visited-file-modtime . tramp-handle-set-visited-file-modtime)=
 (shell-command . tramp-adb-handle-shell-command)
                                     (start-file-process . tramp-adb-handle-start-file-process) (substi=
tute-in-file-name . tramp-handle-substitute-in-file-name)
                                     (temporary-file-directory . tramp-handle-temporary-file-directory)=
 (unhandled-file-name-directory . ignore) (vc-registered . ignore)
                                     (verify-visited-file-modtime . tramp-handle-verify-visited-file-mo=
dtime) (write-region . tramp-adb-handle-write-region))
 tramp-adb-method "adb"
 tramp-adb-program "adb"
 tramp-adb-prompt "(decode-coding-string (base64-decode-string \"XlwoPzpbWz=
cKT9bI1wkXVtbOnNwYWNlOl1d\") 'raw-text)"
 tramp-auto-save-directory nil
 tramp-autoload-file-name-regexp "\\`/[^/|:]+:"
 tramp-awk-coding-test "test -c /dev/zero && od -v -t x1 -A n </dev/null &&=
 busybox awk '{}' </dev/null"
 tramp-awk-decode "busybox awk '\\\nBEGIN {\n  b64 =3D \"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR=
STUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\"\n}\n{\n  for (i=3D1; i<=3D=
length($0); i++) {\n    c=3Dindex(b64, substr($0,i,1))\n    if(c--) {\n    =
  for(b=3D0; b<6; b++) {\n        o=3Do*2+int(c/32); c=3D(c*2)%%64\n       =
 if(++obc=3D=3D8) {\n          if (o) {\n            printf \"%%c\", o\n   =
       } else {\n            system(\"dd if=3D/dev/zero bs=3D1 count=3D1 2>=
/dev/null\")\n          }\n          obc=3D0; o=3D0\n        }\n      }\n  =
  }\n  }\n}'"
 tramp-awk-encode "od -v -t x1 -A n | busybox awk '\\\nBEGIN {\n  b64 =3D \=
"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/\"\n  b16 =
=3D \"0123456789abcdef\"\n}\n{\n  for (c=3D1; c<=3Dlength($0); c++) {\n    =
d=3Dindex(b16, substr($0,c,1))\n    if (d--) {\n      for (b=3D1; b<=3D4; b=
++) {\n        o=3Do*2+int(d/8); d=3D(d*2)%%16\n        if (++obc=3D=3D6) {=
\n          printf substr(b64,o+1,1)\n          if (++rc>75) { printf \"\\n=
\"; rc=3D0 }\n          obc=3D0; o=3D0\n        }\n      }\n    }\n  }\n}\n=
END {\n  if (obc) {\n    tail=3D(obc=3D=3D2) ? \"=3D=3D\\n\" : \"=3D\\n\"\n=
    while (obc++<6) { o=3Do*2 }\n    printf \"%%c\", substr(b64,o+1,1)\n  }=
 else {\n    tail=3D\"\\n\"\n  }\n  printf tail\n}'"
 tramp-backup-directory-alist nil
 tramp-bkup-backup-directory-info nil
 tramp-bluez-discover-devices-timeout 60
 tramp-bug-report-address ""
 tramp-cache-data '(((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "
net" nil nil nil) ("process-buffer" nil) ("first-password-request" nil) ("u=
name" "Linux 5.4.0-73-generic")
                     ("locale" "LC_ALL=3Den_US.utf8") ("test" "test") ("remote-path" ("/b=
in" "/usr/bin" "/sbin" "/usr/sbin" "/usr/local/bin" "/usr/local/sbin")) ("r=
emote-shell" "/bin/sh")
                     ("ls" "/bin/ls --color=3Dnever") ("ls-quoting-style" t) ("ls-dired" =
t) ("stat" "env QUOTING_STYLE=3Dlocale \\stat") ("file-exists" "test -e") (=
"id" "/usr/bin/id") ("gid-integer" 0)
                     ("case-insensitive" nil))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil nil nil) ("process-=
buffer" nil) ("first-password-request" nil) ("uname" "Linux 5.4.0-73-generi=
c") ("locale" "LC_ALL=3Den_US.utf8")
                     ("test" "test") ("remote-path" ("/bin" "/usr/bin" "/sbin" "/usr/sbin=
" "/usr/local/bin" "/usr/local/sbin")) ("remote-shell" "/bin/sh") ("ls" "/b=
in/ls --color=3Dnever") ("ls-quoting-style" t)
                     ("ls-dired" t) ("stat" "env QUOTING_STYLE=3Dlocale \\stat") ("file-e=
xists" "test -e") ("id" "/usr/bin/id") ("gid-integer" 0) ("case-insensitive=
" nil))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/etc/apt/apt.conf.=
d/99debug-unattended-upgrades" nil) ("file-exists-p" ((24741 41773 287861 7=
93000) . t)))
                    ("#<process *tramp/sudo*>" nil) ("#<proces=
s *tramp/sudo*>" nil) ("#<process *tramp/ssh*>" nil) (=
nil ("locale" "en_US.utf8"))
                    ((tramp-file-name "ssh" nil nil "" nil nil nil) ("first-passwo=
rd-request" ""))
                    ("#<process *tramp/sudo*>" ("vector" (tram=
p-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/etc/apt/apt.con=
f.d" "|"))
                     ("temp-file" "/tmp/tramp.NKPymn") ("last-cmd-time" (24741 41765 3128=
39 206000)) ("remote-shell" "/bin/sh") ("chunksize" 0) ("remote-tty" "/dev/=
pts/0") ("connected" t) ("device" (-1 . 10)))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/bin=
" nil) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41758 86646 594000) . t)))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/usr=
/bin" nil) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41758 123248 592000) . t)))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/sbi=
n" nil) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41758 159673 778000) . t)))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/usr=
/sbin" nil) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41758 195209 860000) . t)))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/usr=
/local/bin" nil) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41758 259379 346000) . t)))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/usr=
/local/sbin" nil) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41758 297216 28000) . t)))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/loc=
al/bin" nil) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41758 332392 170000))))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/loc=
al/freeware/bin" nil) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41758 369881 378000))))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/loc=
al/gnu/bin" nil) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41758 405980 163000))))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/usr=
/freeware/bin" nil) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41758 442080 744000))))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/usr=
/pkg/bin" nil) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41758 477184 140000))))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/usr=
/contrib/bin" nil) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41758 512553 374000))))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/opt=
/bin" nil) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41758 552076 265000))))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/opt=
/sbin" nil) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41758 586555 811000))))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/opt=
/local/bin" nil) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41758 623138 542000))))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/etc/apt/apt.conf.=
d" nil)
                     ("file-attributes-integer" ((24741 41773 241565 310000) t 2 0 0 (247=
41 14754) (24741 70) (24741 70) 4096 "drwxr-xr-x" nil 395630 (-1 . 11))))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/ETC=
/APT/APT.CONF.D/99DEBUG-UNATTENDED-UPGRADES" nil) ("file-exists-p" ((24741 =
41759 668769 253000))))
                    ("#<process *tramp/sudo*>" ("vector" (tramp-file-name "s=
udo" "root" nil "" nil "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d" "|")) ("temp=
-file" "/tmp/tramp.CoYCPn")
                     ("last-cmd-time" (24741 41773 291858 308000)) ("remote-shell" "/bin/=
sh") ("chunksize" 0) ("remote-tty" "/dev/pts/3") ("connected" t) ("device" =
(-1 . 11)))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/bin" nil) ("file-=
directory-p" ((24741 41771 776735 538000) . t)))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/usr/bin" nil) ("f=
ile-directory-p" ((24741 41771 812522 476000) . t)))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/sbin" nil) ("file=
-directory-p" ((24741 41771 848162 430000) . t)))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/usr/sbin" nil) ("=
file-directory-p" ((24741 41771 883969 351000) . t)))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/usr/local/bin" ni=
l) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41771 919296 822000) . t)))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/usr/local/sbin" n=
il) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41771 955013 869000) . t)))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/local/bin" nil) (=
"file-directory-p" ((24741 41771 991898 251000))))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/local/freeware/bi=
n" nil) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41772 27837 521000))))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/local/gnu/bin" ni=
l) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41772 67145 846000))))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/usr/freeware/bin"=
 nil) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41772 104167 730000))))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/usr/pkg/bin" nil)=
 ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41772 141283 685000))))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/usr/contrib/bin" =
nil) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41772 180389 857000))))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/opt/bin" nil) ("f=
ile-directory-p" ((24741 41772 218309 683000))))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/opt/sbin" nil) ("=
file-directory-p" ((24741 41772 255167 422000))))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/opt/local/bin" ni=
l) ("file-directory-p" ((24741 41772 292880 186000))))
                    ((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" nil "/ETC/APT/APT.CONF.=
D/99DEBUG-UNATTENDED-UPGRADES" nil) ("file-exists-p" ((24741 41773 326903 4=
 tramp-cache-data-changed t
 tramp-cache-read-persistent-data ""
 tramp-cache-unload-hook '(#[0 "\300\301\302\"\207" [remove-hook kill-emacs=
-hook tramp-dump-connection-properties] 3]
                           #[0 "\300\301\302\"\210\300\303\302\"\210\300\304\302\"\207" [remove-=
hook before-revert-hook tramp-flush-file-function eshell-pre-command-hook k=
ill-buffer-hook] 3])
 tramp-chunksize nil
 tramp-completion-file-name-handler-alist '((file-name-all-completions . tr=
amp-completion-handle-file-name-all-completions) (file-name-completion . tr=
 tramp-completion-file-name-regexp "\\`/\\(\\([^/|:]+:[^/|:]*|\\)*[^/|:]+\\=
 tramp-completion-file-name-regexp-alist '((default . "\\`/\\(\\([^/|:]+:[^=
/|:]*|\\)*[^/|:]+\\(:[^/|:]*\\)?\\)?\\'") (simplified . "\\`/\\(\\([^/|:]*|=
\\)*[^/|:]+\\)?\\'") (separate . "\\`/\\(\\[[^]]*\\)?\\'"))
 tramp-completion-file-name-regexp-default "\\`/\\(\\([^/|:]+:[^/|:]*|\\)*[=
 tramp-completion-file-name-regexp-separate "\\`/\\(\\[[^]]*\\)?\\'"
 tramp-completion-file-name-regexp-simplified "\\`/\\(\\([^/|:]*|\\)*[^/|:]=
 tramp-completion-function-alist '(("fcp" (tramp-parse-shosts "~/.ssh/known=
_hosts") (tramp-parse-sconfig "~/.ssh/config"))
                                   ("psftp" (tramp-parse-shosts "~/.ssh/known_hosts") (tramp-parse-scon=
fig "~/.ssh/config"))
                                   ("pscp" (tramp-parse-shosts "~/.ssh/known_hosts") (tramp-parse-sconf=
ig "~/.ssh/config"))
                                   ("plink" (tramp-parse-shosts "~/.ssh/known_hosts") (tramp-parse-scon=
fig "~/.ssh/config")) ("sg" (tramp-parse-etc-group "/etc/group"))
                                   ("ksu" (tramp-parse-passwd "/etc/passwd")) ("doas" (tramp-parse-pass=
wd "/etc/passwd")) ("sudo" (tramp-parse-passwd "/etc/passwd")) ("su" (tramp=
-parse-passwd "/etc/passwd"))
                                   ("nc" (tramp-parse-hosts "/etc/hosts")) ("telnet" (tramp-parse-hosts=
 "/etc/hosts")) ("sshx" (tramp-parse-shosts "~/.ssh/known_hosts") (tramp-pa=
rse-sconfig "~/.ssh/config"))
                                   ("ssh" (tramp-parse-shosts "~/.ssh/known_hosts") (tramp-parse-sconfi=
g "~/.ssh/config"))
                                   ("rsync" (tramp-parse-shosts "~/.ssh/known_hosts") (tramp-parse-scon=
fig "~/.ssh/config"))
                                   ("scpx" (tramp-parse-shosts "~/.ssh/known_hosts") (tramp-parse-sconf=
ig "~/.ssh/config"))
                                   ("scp" (tramp-parse-shosts "~/.ssh/known_hosts") (tramp-parse-sconfi=
g "~/.ssh/config")) ("adb" (tramp-adb-parse-device-names "")))
 tramp-completion-function-alist-putty '((tramp-parse-putty "~/.putty/sessi=
 tramp-completion-function-alist-rsh '((tramp-parse-rhosts "/etc/hosts.equi=
v") (tramp-parse-rhosts "~/.rhosts"))
 tramp-completion-function-alist-sg '((tramp-parse-etc-group "/etc/group"))
 tramp-completion-function-alist-ssh '((tramp-parse-rhosts "/etc/hosts.equi=
v") (tramp-parse-rhosts "/etc/shosts.equiv") (tramp-parse-shosts "/etc/ssh_=
known_hosts") (tramp-parse-sconfig "/etc/ssh_config")
                                       (tramp-parse-shostkeys "/etc/ssh2/hostkeys") (tramp-parse-sknown=
hosts "/etc/ssh2/knownhosts") (tramp-parse-rhosts "~/.rhosts") (tramp-parse=
-rhosts "~/.shosts")
                                       (tramp-parse-shosts "~/.ssh/known_hosts") (tramp-parse-sconfig "=
 tramp-completion-function-alist-su '((tramp-parse-passwd "/etc/passwd"))
 tramp-completion-function-alist-telnet '((tramp-parse-hosts "/etc/hosts"))
 tramp-completion-mode nil
 tramp-completion-reread-directory-timeout 10
 tramp-connection-min-time-diff 5
 tramp-connection-properties nil
 tramp-connection-timeout 60
 tramp-copy-failed-regexp "\\(.+: \\(No such file or directory\\|Permission=
 denied\\|is a directory\\|not a regular file\\)\\)\\s-*"
 tramp-copy-size-limit 10240
 tramp-current-connection '((tramp-file-name "sudo" "root" nil "" ni=
l "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d" "|") 24741 41769 29295 507000)
 tramp-current-domain nil
 tramp-current-host ""
 tramp-current-method "sudo"
 tramp-current-port nil
 tramp-current-user "root"
 tramp-debug-on-error nil
 tramp-debug-outline-regexp "[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+ [a-z0-9-]+ (\\([=
0-9]+\\)) #"
 tramp-default-host "jon-2019"
 tramp-default-host-alist '(("adb" nil ""))
 tramp-default-method "ssh"
 tramp-default-method-alist '(("\\`\\(127\\.0\\.0\\.1\\|::1\\|jon-2019\\|lo=
calhost6?\\)\\'" "\\`root\\'" "su") (nil "\\`\\(anonymous\\|ftp\\)\\'" "ftp=
") ("\\`ftp\\." nil "ftp"))
 tramp-default-method-marker "-"
 tramp-default-proxies-alist '(("mtu\\.net" "root" "/") ("mtu\\=
.net" "www-data" "/") ("tinker\\.dmz\\.mn\\.mtu\\.net" "root" "=
 tramp-default-user nil
 tramp-default-user-alist '(("\\`smb\\'" nil nil) ("\\`\\(?:fcp\\|krlogin\\=
|nc\\|r\\(?:cp\\|emcp\\|sh\\)\\|telnet\\)\\'" nil "jpschewe") ("\\`\\(?:doa=
s\\|ksu\\|su\\(?:do\\)?\\)\\'" nil "root")
                            ("\\`synce\\'" nil nil))
 tramp-device-escape-sequence-regexp "(decode-coding-string (base64-decode-=
string \"G1tbMC05XStu\") 'raw-text)"
 tramp-devices 11
 tramp-display-escape-sequence-regexp "(decode-coding-string (base64-decode=
-string \"G1tbOzAtOV0rbQ=3D=3D\") 'raw-text)"
 tramp-domain-regexp "[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+"
 tramp-echo-mark "_echo"
 tramp-echo-mark-marker "_echo"
 tramp-echo-mark-marker-length 5
 tramp-echoed-echo-mark-regexp "_echo\\(\\( \\)?\\)\\{5\\}"
 tramp-encoding-command-interactive "-i"
 tramp-encoding-command-switch "-c"
 tramp-encoding-shell "/bin/sh"
 tramp-end-of-heredoc "8dc6a59c5602f6a7b4830f65c6d04e70"
 tramp-end-of-output "///c2bb01fedcbab27809c4296467b3001f#$"
 tramp-file-missing 'file-missing
 tramp-file-mode-type-map '((0 . "-") (1 . "p") (2 . "c") (3 . "m") (4 . "d=
") (5 . "?") (6 . "b") (7 . "?") (8 . "-") (9 . "n") (10 . "l") (11 . "?") =
(12 . "s") (13 . "D") (14 . "w"))
 tramp-file-name-regexp "^/\\(\\(?:\\([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\):\\(?:\\([^/|:    ]+\\)=
^/|:    ]+\\)@\\)?\\(\\(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_.%-]+\\|\\[\\(?:\\(?:\\(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+\\=
 tramp-file-name-structure '("^/\\(\\(?:\\([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\):\\(?:\\([^/|:       =
:\\([^/|:       ]+\\)@\\)?\\(\\(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_.%-]+\\|\\[\\(?:\\(?:\\(?:[a-zA-Z0-=
9]+\\)?:\\)+[a-zA-Z0-9.]+\\)?]\\)\\(?:#[0-9]+\\)?\\)?:\\(.*$\\)" 5 6 7 8 1)
 tramp-foreign-file-name-handler-alist '((tramp-smb-file-name-p . tramp-smb=
-file-name-handler) (tramp-gvfs-file-name-p . tramp-gvfs-file-name-handler)=
 (tramp-ftp-file-name-p . tramp-ftp-file-name-handler)
                                         (tramp-adb-file-name-p . tramp-adb-file-name-handler) (identity . tra=
 tramp-ftp-method "ftp"
 tramp-gvfs-file-name-handler-alist '((access-file . ignore) (add-name-to-f=
ile . tramp-handle-add-name-to-file) (copy-file . tramp-gvfs-handle-copy-fi=
                                      (delete-directory . tramp-gvfs-handle-delete-directory) (delete-f=
ile . tramp-gvfs-handle-delete-file) (directory-file-name . tramp-handle-di=
                                      (directory-files . tramp-handle-directory-files) (directory-files=
-and-attributes . tramp-handle-directory-files-and-attributes) (dired-compr=
ess-file . ignore)
                                      (dired-uncache . tramp-handle-dired-uncache) (expand-file-name . =
                                      (file-accessible-directory-p . tramp-handle-file-accessible-direc=
tory-p) (file-acl . ignore) (file-attributes . tramp-gvfs-handle-file-attri=
                                      (file-directory-p . tramp-gvfs-handle-file-directory-p) (file-equ=
al-p . tramp-handle-file-equal-p) (file-executable-p . tramp-gvfs-handle-fi=
                                      (file-exists-p . tramp-handle-file-exists-p) (file-in-directory-p=
 . tramp-handle-file-in-directory-p) (file-local-copy . tramp-gvfs-handle-f=
                                      (file-modes . tramp-handle-file-modes) (file-name-all-completions=
 . tramp-gvfs-handle-file-name-all-completions)
                                      (file-name-as-directory . tramp-handle-file-name-as-directory) (f=
ile-name-case-insensitive-p . tramp-handle-file-name-case-insensitive-p)
                                      (file-name-completion . tramp-handle-file-name-completion) (file-=
name-directory . tramp-handle-file-name-directory)
                                      (file-name-nondirectory . tramp-handle-file-name-nondirectory) (f=
ile-newer-than-file-p . tramp-handle-file-newer-than-file-p)
                                      (file-notify-add-watch . tramp-gvfs-handle-file-notify-add-watch)=
 (file-notify-rm-watch . tramp-handle-file-notify-rm-watch)
                                      (file-notify-valid-p . tramp-handle-file-notify-valid-p) (file-ow=
nership-preserved-p . ignore) (file-readable-p . tramp-gvfs-handle-file-rea=
                                      (file-regular-p . tramp-handle-file-regular-p) (file-remote-p . t=
ramp-handle-file-remote-p) (file-selinux-context . tramp-handle-file-selinu=
                                      (file-symlink-p . tramp-handle-file-symlink-p) (file-system-info =
. tramp-gvfs-handle-file-system-info) (file-truename . tramp-handle-file-tr=
                                      (file-writable-p . tramp-gvfs-handle-file-writable-p) (find-backu=
p-file-name . tramp-handle-find-backup-file-name) (insert-directory . tramp=
                                      (insert-file-contents . tramp-handle-insert-file-contents) (load =
. tramp-handle-load) (make-auto-save-file-name . tramp-handle-make-auto-sav=
                                      (make-directory . tramp-gvfs-handle-make-directory) (make-directo=
ry-internal . ignore) (make-nearby-temp-file . tramp-handle-make-nearby-tem=
                                      (make-symbolic-link . tramp-handle-make-symbolic-link) (process-f=
ile . ignore) (rename-file . tramp-gvfs-handle-rename-file) (set-file-acl .=
                                      (set-file-modes . ignore) (set-file-selinux-context . ignore) (se=
t-file-times . ignore) (set-visited-file-modtime . tramp-handle-set-visited=
                                      (shell-command . ignore) (start-file-process . ignore) (substitut=
e-in-file-name . tramp-handle-substitute-in-file-name)
                                      (temporary-file-directory . tramp-handle-temporary-file-directory=
) (unhandled-file-name-directory . ignore) (vc-registered . ignore)
                                      (verify-visited-file-modtime . tramp-handle-verify-visited-file-m=
odtime) (write-region . tramp-gvfs-handle-write-region))
 tramp-gvfs-methods '("afp" "dav" "davs" "gdrive" "obex" "sftp" "synce")
 tramp-gvfs-zeroconf-domain "local"
 tramp-half-a-year '(241 17024)
 tramp-handle-file-local-copy-hook nil
 tramp-handle-write-region-hook nil
 tramp-histfile-override "~/.tramp_history"
 tramp-host-regexp "[a-zA-Z0-9_.%-]+"
 tramp-host-with-port-regexp "\\([a-zA-Z0-9_.%-]+\\)#\\([0-9]+\\)"
 tramp-initial-end-of-output "#$ "
 tramp-initial-file-name-regexp "\\`/.+:.*:"
 tramp-inline-compress-commands '(("env GZIP=3D gzip" "env GZIP=3D gzip -d"=
) ("bzip2" "bzip2 -d") ("xz" "xz -d") ("compress" "compress -d"))
 tramp-inline-compress-start-size 4096
 tramp-inodes 0
 tramp-ipv6-regexp "\\(?:\\(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)?:\\)+[a-zA-Z0-9.]+"
 tramp-local-coding-commands '((b64 base64-encode-region base64-decode-regi=
on) (uu tramp-uuencode-region uudecode-decode-region)
                               (pack "perl -e 'binmode STDIN; binmode STDOUT; print pack(q{u*}, =
join q{}, <>)'" "perl -e 'binmode STDIN; binmode STDOUT; print unpack(q{u*}=
, join q{}, <>)'"))
 tramp-local-end-of-line "\n"
 tramp-local-host-regexp "\\`\\(127\\.0\\.0\\.1\\|::1\\|jon-2019\\|localhos=
 tramp-localname-regexp ".*$"
 tramp-locked nil
 tramp-locker nil
 tramp-login-prompt-regexp ".*\\(user\\|login\\)\\( .*\\)?: *"
 tramp-message-show-message t
 tramp-method-regexp "[a-zA-Z0-9-]+"
 tramp-method-regexp-alist '((default . "[a-zA-Z0-9-]+") (simplified . "") =
(separate . "[a-zA-Z0-9-]*"))
 tramp-methods '(("smb" (tramp-remote-shell "") (tramp-tmpdir "/C$/Temp") (=
tramp-case-insensitive t))
                 ("fcp" (tramp-login-program "fsh") (tramp-login-args (("%h") ("-l" "%u")=
 ("sh" "-i"))) (tramp-remote-shell "/bin/sh") (tramp-remote-shell-login ("-=
l")) (tramp-remote-shell-args ("-i") ("-c"))
                  (tramp-copy-program "fcp") (tramp-copy-args (("-p" "%k"))) (tramp-copy-=
keep-date t))
                 ("psftp" (tramp-login-program "plink") (tramp-login-args (("-l" "%u") ("=
-P" "%p") ("-ssh") ("-t") ("%h") ("\"") ("env 'TERM=3Ddumb' 'PROMPT_COMMAND=
=3D' 'PS1=3D#$ '") ("/bin/sh") ("\"")))
                  (tramp-remote-shell "/bin/sh") (tramp-remote-shell-login ("-l")) (tramp=
-remote-shell-args ("-c")) (tramp-copy-program "pscp")
                  (tramp-copy-args (("-l" "%u") ("-P" "%p") ("-sftp") ("-p" "%k") ("-q"))=
) (tramp-copy-keep-date t))
                 ("pscp" (tramp-login-program "plink") (tramp-login-args (("-l" "%u") ("-=
P" "%p") ("-ssh") ("-t") ("%h") ("\"") ("env 'TERM=3Ddumb' 'PROMPT_COMMAND=
=3D' 'PS1=3D#$ '") ("/bin/sh") ("\"")))
                  (tramp-remote-shell "/bin/sh") (tramp-remote-shell-login ("-l")) (tramp=
-remote-shell-args ("-c")) (tramp-copy-program "pscp")
                  (tramp-copy-args (("-l" "%u") ("-P" "%p") ("-scp") ("-p" "%k") ("-q") (=
"-r"))) (tramp-copy-keep-date t) (tramp-copy-recursive t))
                 ("plinkx" (tramp-login-program "plink") (tramp-login-args (("-load") ("%=
h") ("-t") ("\"") ("env 'TERM=3Ddumb' 'PROMPT_COMMAND=3D' 'PS1=3D#$ '") ("/=
bin/sh") ("\""))) (tramp-remote-shell "/bin/sh")
                  (tramp-remote-shell-login ("-l")) (tramp-remote-shell-args ("-c")))
                 ("plink" (tramp-login-program "plink") (tramp-login-args (("-l" "%u") ("=
-P" "%p") ("-ssh") ("-t") ("%h") ("\"") ("env 'TERM=3Ddumb' 'PROMPT_COMMAND=
=3D' 'PS1=3D#$ '") ("/bin/sh") ("\"")))
                  (tramp-remote-shell "/bin/sh") (tramp-remote-shell-login ("-l")) (tramp=
-remote-shell-args ("-c")))
                 ("krlogin" (tramp-login-program "krlogin") (tramp-login-args (("%h") ("-=
l" "%u") ("-x"))) (tramp-remote-shell "/bin/sh") (tramp-remote-shell-login =
("-l")) (tramp-remote-shell-args ("-c")))
                 ("ksu" (tramp-login-program "ksu") (tramp-login-args (("%u") ("-q"))) (t=
ramp-remote-shell "/bin/sh") (tramp-remote-shell-login ("-l")) (tramp-remot=
e-shell-args ("-c"))
                  (tramp-connection-timeout 10))
                 ("doas" (tramp-login-program "doas") (tramp-login-args (("-u" "%u") ("-s=
"))) (tramp-remote-shell "/bin/sh") (tramp-remote-shell-args ("-c")) (tramp=
-connection-timeout 10))
                 ("sudo" (tramp-login-program "sudo") (tramp-login-args (("-u" "%u") ("-s=
") ("-H") ("-p" "P\"\"a\"\"s\"\"s\"\"w\"\"o\"\"r\"\"d\"\":"))) (tramp-login=
-env (("SHELL") ("/bin/sh")))
                  (tramp-remote-shell "/bin/sh") (tramp-remote-shell-login ("-l")) (tramp=
-remote-shell-args ("-c")) (tramp-connection-timeout 10))
                 ("sg" (tramp-login-program "sg") (tramp-login-args (("-") ("%u"))) (tram=
p-remote-shell "/bin/sh") (tramp-remote-shell-args ("-c")) (tramp-connectio=
n-timeout 10))
                 ("su" (tramp-login-program "su") (tramp-login-args (("-") ("%u"))) (tram=
p-remote-shell "/bin/sh") (tramp-remote-shell-login ("-l")) (tramp-remote-s=
hell-args ("-c"))
                  (tramp-connection-timeout 10))
                 ("nc" (tramp-login-program "telnet") (tramp-login-args (("%h") ("%p") ("=
2>/dev/null"))) (tramp-remote-shell "/bin/sh") (tramp-remote-shell-login ("=
-l")) (tramp-remote-shell-args ("-c"))
                  (tramp-copy-program "nc") (tramp-copy-args (("-w" "1") ("-v") ("%h") ("=
%r"))) (tramp-remote-copy-program "nc") (tramp-remote-copy-args (("-l") ("-=
p" "%r") ("2>/dev/null"))))
                 ("telnet" (tramp-login-program "telnet") (tramp-login-args (("%h") ("%p"=
) ("2>/dev/null"))) (tramp-remote-shell "/bin/sh") (tramp-remote-shell-logi=
n ("-l")) (tramp-remote-shell-args ("-c")))
                 ("sshx" (tramp-login-program "ssh") (tramp-login-args (("-l" "%u") ("-p"=
 "%p") ("%c") ("-e" "none") ("-t" "-t") ("%h") ("/bin/sh"))) (tramp-async-a=
rgs (("-q"))) (tramp-remote-shell "/bin/sh")
                  (tramp-remote-shell-login ("-l")) (tramp-remote-shell-args ("-c")))
                 ("ssh" (tramp-login-program "ssh") (tramp-login-args (("-l" "%u") ("-p" =
"%p") ("%c") ("-e" "none") ("%h"))) (tramp-async-args (("-q"))) (tramp-remo=
te-shell "/bin/sh")
                  (tramp-remote-shell-login ("-l")) (tramp-remote-shell-args ("-c")))
                 ("remsh" (tramp-login-program "remsh") (tramp-login-args (("%h") ("-l" "=
%u"))) (tramp-remote-shell "/bin/sh") (tramp-remote-shell-login ("-l")) (tr=
amp-remote-shell-args ("-c")))
                 ("rsh" (tramp-login-program "rsh") (tramp-login-args (("%h") ("-l" "%u")=
)) (tramp-remote-shell "/bin/sh") (tramp-remote-shell-login ("-l")) (tramp-=
remote-shell-args ("-c")))
                 ("rsync" (tramp-login-program "ssh") (tramp-login-args (("-l" "%u") ("-p=
" "%p") ("%c") ("-e" "none") ("%h"))) (tramp-async-args (("-q"))) (tramp-re=
mote-shell "/bin/sh")
                  (tramp-remote-shell-login ("-l")) (tramp-remote-shell-args ("-c")) (tra=
mp-copy-program "rsync") (tramp-copy-args (("-t" "%k") ("-p") ("-r") ("-s")=
                  (tramp-copy-env (("RSYNC_RSH") ("ssh" "%c"))) (tramp-copy-keep-date t) =
(tramp-copy-keep-tmpfile t) (tramp-copy-recursive t))
                 ("scpx" (tramp-login-program "ssh") (tramp-login-args (("-l" "%u") ("-p"=
 "%p") ("%c") ("-e" "none") ("-t" "-t") ("%h") ("/bin/sh"))) (tramp-async-a=
rgs (("-q"))) (tramp-remote-shell "/bin/sh")
                  (tramp-remote-shell-login ("-l")) (tramp-remote-shell-args ("-c")) (tra=
mp-copy-program "scp") (tramp-copy-args (("-P" "%p") ("-p" "%k") ("-q") ("-=
r") ("%c"))) (tramp-copy-keep-date t)
                  (tramp-copy-recursive t))
                 ("scp" (tramp-login-program "ssh") (tramp-login-args (("-l" "%u") ("-p" =
"%p") ("%c") ("-e" "none") ("%h"))) (tramp-async-args (("-q"))) (tramp-remo=
te-shell "/bin/sh")
                  (tramp-remote-shell-login ("-l")) (tramp-remote-shell-args ("-c")) (tra=
mp-copy-program "scp") (tramp-copy-args (("-P" "%p") ("-p" "%k") ("-q") ("-=
r") ("%c"))) (tramp-copy-keep-date t)
                  (tramp-copy-recursive t))
                 ("remcp" (tramp-login-program "remsh") (tramp-login-args (("%h") ("-l" "=
%u"))) (tramp-remote-shell "/bin/sh") (tramp-remote-shell-login ("-l")) (tr=
amp-remote-shell-args ("-c"))
                  (tramp-copy-program "rcp") (tramp-copy-args (("-p" "%k"))) (tramp-copy-=
keep-date t))
                 ("rcp" (tramp-login-program "rsh") (tramp-login-args (("%h") ("-l" "%u")=
)) (tramp-remote-shell "/bin/sh") (tramp-remote-shell-login ("-l")) (tramp-=
remote-shell-args ("-c"))
                  (tramp-copy-program "rcp") (tramp-copy-args (("-p" "%k") ("-r"))) (tram=
p-copy-keep-date t) (tramp-copy-recursive t))
                 ("synce") ("sftp") ("obex") ("gdrive") ("davs") ("dav") ("afp") ("ftp") =
("adb" (tramp-tmpdir "/data/local/tmp") (tramp-default-port 5555)))
 tramp-mode t
 tramp-operation-not-permitted-regexp "\\(preserving times.*\\|set mode\\):=
\\s-*\\(Operation not permitted\\)"
 tramp-password-prompt-regexp "(decode-coding-string (base64-decode-string =
o=3D\") 'raw-text)"
 tramp-perl-decode "%s -e '\n# This script contributed by Juanma Barranquer=
o <>.\n# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 Free Software Foundation, In=
c.\nuse strict;\n\nmy %%trans =3D do {\n    my $i =3D 0;\n    map {($_, sub=
str(unpack(q(B8), chr $i++), 2, 6))}\n      split //, q(ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS=
TUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/)\n};\n\nmy %%bytes =3D map {(=
unpack(q(B8), chr $_), chr $_)} 0 .. 255;\n\nbinmode(\\*STDOUT);\n\n# We ar=
e going to accumulate into $pending to accept any line length\n# (we do not=
 check they are <=3D 76 chars as the RFC says)\nmy $pending =3D q();\n\nwhi=
le (my $data ="" <STDIN>) {\n    chomp $data;\n\n    # If we find one or tw=
o =3D, we have reached the end and\n    # any following data is to be disca=
rded\n    my $finished =3D $data ="" s/(=3D=3D?).*/$1/;\n    $pending .=3D=
 $data;\n\n    my $len =3D length($pending);\n    my $chunk =3D substr($pen=
ding, 0, $len & ~3);\n    $pending =3D substr($pending, $len & ~3 + 1);\n\n=
    # Easy method: translate from chars to (pregenerated) six-bit packets, =
join,\n    # split in 8-bit chunks and convert back to char.\n    print joi=
n q(),\n      map $bytes{$_},\n        ((join q(), map {$trans{$_} || q()} =
split //, $chunk) =3D~ /......../g);\n\n    last if $finished;\n}' 2>/dev/n=
 tramp-perl-decode-with-module "%s -MMIME::Base64 -0777 -ne 'print decode_b=
ase64($_)' 2>/dev/null"
 tramp-perl-directory-files-and-attributes "%s -e '\nchdir($ARGV[0]) or pri=
ntf(\"\\\"Cannot change to $ARGV[0]: $''!''\\\"\\n\"), exit();\nopendir(DIR=
,\".\") or printf(\"\\\"Cannot open directory $ARGV[0]: $''!''\\\"\\n\"), e=
xit();\n@list =3D readdir(DIR);\nclosedir(DIR);\n$n =3D scalar(@list);\npri=
ntf(\"(\\n\");\nfor($i =3D 0; $i < $n; $i++)\n{\n    $filename =3D $list[$i=
];\n    @stat =3D lstat($filename);\n    if (($stat[2] & 0170000) =3D=3D 01=
20000)\n    {\n        $type =3D readlink($filename);\n        $type =3D~ s=
/\"/\\\\\"/g;\n        $type =3D \"\\\"$type\\\"\";\n    }\n    elsif (($st=
at[2] & 0170000) =3D=3D 040000)\n    {\n        $type =3D \"t\";\n    }\n  =
  else\n    {\n        $type =3D \"nil\"\n    };\n    $uid =3D ($ARGV[1] eq=
 \"integer\") ? $stat[4] : \"\\\"\" . getpwuid($stat[4]) . \"\\\"\";\n    $=
gid =3D ($ARGV[1] eq \"integer\") ? $stat[5] : \"\\\"\" . getgrgid($stat[5]=
) . \"\\\"\";\n    $filename =3D~ s/\"/\\\\\"/g;\n    printf(\n        \"(\=
\\"%%s\\\" %%s %%u %%s %%s (%%u %%u) (%%u %%u) (%%u %%u) %%u.0 %%u t (%%u .=
 %%u) (%%u . %%u))\\n\",\n        $filename,\n        $type,\n        $stat=
[3],\n        $uid,\n        $gid,\n        $stat[8] >> 16 & 0xffff,\n     =
   $stat[8] & 0xffff,\n        $stat[9] >> 16 & 0xffff,\n        $stat[9] &=
 0xffff,\n        $stat[10] >> 16 & 0xffff,\n        $stat[10] & 0xffff,\n =
       $stat[7],\n        $stat[2],\n        $stat[1] >> 16 & 0xffff,\n    =
    $stat[1] & 0xffff,\n        $stat[0] >> 16 & 0xffff,\n        $stat[0] =
& 0xffff);\n}\nprintf(\")\\n\");' \"$1\" \"$2\" 2>/dev/null"
 tramp-perl-encode "%s -e '\n# This script contributed by Juanma Barranquer=
o <>.\n# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 Free Software Foundation, In=
c.\nuse strict;\n\nmy %%trans =3D do {\n    my $i =3D 0;\n    map {(substr(=
unpack(q(B8), chr $i++), 2, 6), $_)}\n      split //, q(ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS=
TUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/);\n};\nmy $data;\n\n# We read=
 in chunks of 54 bytes, to generate output lines\n# of 72 chars (plus end o=
f line)\nwhile (read STDIN, $data, 54) {\n    my $pad =3D q();\n\n    # _Onl_=
y for the last chunk, and only if did not fill the last three-byte packet\n=
    if (eof) {\n        my $mod =3D length($data) %% 3;\n        $pad =3D q=
(=3D) x (3 - $mod) if $mod;\n    }\n\n    # Not the fastest method, but it =
is simple: unpack to binary string, split\n    # by groups of 6 bits and co=
nvert back from binary to byte; then map into\n    # the translation table\=
n    print\n      join q(),\n        map($trans{$_},\n            (substr(u=
npack(q(B*), $data) . q(00000), 0, 432) =3D~ /....../g)),\n              $p=
ad,\n                qq(\\n);\n}' 2>/dev/null"
 tramp-perl-encode-with-module "%s -MMIME::Base64 -0777 -ne 'print encode_b=
ase64($_)' 2>/dev/null"
 tramp-perl-file-attributes "%s -e '\n@stat =3D lstat($ARGV[0]);\nif (!@sta=
t) {\n    print \"nil\\n\";\n    exit 0;\n}\nif (($stat[2] & 0170000) =3D=
=3D 0120000)\n{\n    $type =3D readlink($ARGV[0]);\n    $type =3D~ s/\"/\\\=
\\"/g;\n    $type =3D \"\\\"$type\\\"\";\n}\nelsif (($stat[2] & 0170000) =
=3D=3D 040000)\n{\n    $type =3D \"t\";\n}\nelse\n{\n    $type =3D \"nil\"\=
n};\n$uid =3D ($ARGV[1] eq \"integer\") ? $stat[4] : \"\\\"\" . getpwuid($s=
tat[4]) . \"\\\"\";\n$gid =3D ($ARGV[1] eq \"integer\") ? $stat[5] : \"\\\"=
\" . getgrgid($stat[5]) . \"\\\"\";\nprintf(\n    \"(%%s %%u %%s %%s (%%u %=
%u) (%%u %%u) (%%u %%u) %%u.0 %%u t (%%u . %%u) -1)\\n\",\n    $type,\n    =
$stat[3],\n    $uid,\n    $gid,\n    $stat[8] >> 16 & 0xffff,\n    $stat[8]=
 & 0xffff,\n    $stat[9] >> 16 & 0xffff,\n    $stat[9] & 0xffff,\n    $stat=
[10] >> 16 & 0xffff,\n    $stat[10] & 0xffff,\n    $stat[7],\n    $stat[2],=
\n    $stat[1] >> 16 & 0xffff,\n    $stat[1] & 0xffff\n);' \"$1\" \"$2\" 2>=
 tramp-perl-file-name-all-completions "%s -e '\nopendir(d, $ARGV[0]) || die=
(\"$ARGV[0]: $!\\nfail\\n\");\n@files =3D readdir(d); closedir(d);\nforeach=
 $f (@files) {\n if (-d \"$ARGV[0]/$f\") {\n  print \"$f/\\n\";\n }\n else =
{\n  print \"$f\\n\";\n }\n}\nprint \"ok\\n\"\n' \"$1\" 2>/dev/null"
 tramp-perl-file-truename "%s -e '\nuse File::Spec;\nuse Cwd \"realpath\";\=
n\nsub myrealpath {\n    my ($file) =3D @_;\n    return realpath($file) if =
(-e $file || -l $file);\n}\n\nsub recursive {\n    my ($volume, @dirs) =3D =
@_;\n    my $real =3D myrealpath(File::Spec->catpath(\n                   $=
volume, File::Spec->catdir(@dirs), \"\"));\n    if ($real) {\n        my ($=
vol, $dir) =3D File::Spec->splitpath($real, 1);\n        return ($vol, File=
::Spec->splitdir($dir));\n    }\n    else {\n        my $last =3D pop(@dirs=
);\n        ($volume, @dirs) =3D recursive($volume, @dirs);\n        push(@=
dirs, $last);\n        return ($volume, @dirs);\n    }\n}\n\n$result =3D my=
realpath($ARGV[0]);\nif (!$result) {\n    my ($vol, $dir) =3D File::Spec->s=
plitpath($ARGV[0], 1);\n    ($vol, @dirs) =3D recursive($vol, File::Spec->s=
plitdir($dir));\n\n    $result =3D File::Spec->catpath($vol, File::Spec->ca=
tdir(@dirs), \"\");\n}\n\n$result =3D~ s/\"/\\\\\"/g;\nprint \"\\\"$result\=
\\"\\n\";\n' \"$1\" 2>/dev/null"
 tramp-perl-pack "%s -e 'binmode STDIN; binmode STDOUT; print pack(q{u*}, j=
oin q{}, <>)'"
 tramp-perl-unpack "%s -e 'binmode STDIN; binmode STDOUT; print unpack(q{u*=
}, join q{}, <>)'"
 tramp-persistency-file-name "/home/jpschewe/.emacs.d/tramp"
 tramp-port-regexp "[0-9]+"
 tramp-postfix-hop-format "|"
 tramp-postfix-hop-regexp "|"
 tramp-postfix-host-format ":"
 tramp-postfix-host-format-alist '((default . ":") (simplified . ":") (sepa=
rate . "]"))
 tramp-postfix-host-regexp ":"
 tramp-postfix-ipv6-format "]"
 tramp-postfix-ipv6-format-alist '((default . "]") (simplified . "]") (sepa=
rate . ""))
 tramp-postfix-ipv6-regexp "]"
 tramp-postfix-method-format ":"
 tramp-postfix-method-format-alist '((default . ":") (simplified . "") (sep=
arate . "/"))
 tramp-postfix-method-regexp ":"
 tramp-postfix-user-format "@"
 tramp-postfix-user-regexp "@"
 tramp-prefix-domain-format "%"
 tramp-prefix-domain-regexp "%"
 tramp-prefix-format "/"
 tramp-prefix-format-alist '((default . "/") (simplified . "/") (separate .=
 tramp-prefix-ipv6-format "["
 tramp-prefix-ipv6-format-alist '((default . "[") (simplified . "[") (separ=
ate . ""))
 tramp-prefix-ipv6-regexp "\\["
 tramp-prefix-port-format "#"
 tramp-prefix-port-regexp "#"
 tramp-prefix-regexp "^/"
 tramp-process-alive-regexp ""
 tramp-process-connection-type t
 tramp-remote-coding-commands '((b64 "base64" "base64 -d -i") (b64 "base64"=
 "base64 -d") (b64 "openssl enc -base64" "openssl enc -d -base64") (b64 "mi=
mencode -b" "mimencode -u -b")
                                (b64 "mmencode -b" "mmencode -u -b") (b64 "recode data..base64" "recode=") (b64 tramp-perl-encode-with-module tramp-perl-decode-with-m=
                                (b64 tramp-perl-encode tramp-perl-decode) (b64 tramp-awk-encode tramp-a=
wk-decode "test -c /dev/zero && od -v -t x1 -A n </dev/null && busybox awk =
'{}' </dev/null")
                                (uu "uuencode xxx" "uudecode -o /dev/stdout" "test -c /dev/stdout") (uu=
 "uuencode xxx" "uudecode -o -") (uu "uuencode xxx" "uudecode -p") (uu "uue=
ncode xxx" tramp-uudecode)
                                (pack tramp-perl-pack tramp-perl-unpack))
 tramp-remote-file-name-spec-regexp "\\([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\\):\\(?:\\([^/|:  ]+\=
 tramp-remote-path '(tramp-default-remote-path "/bin" "/usr/bin" "/sbin" "/=
usr/sbin" "/usr/local/bin" "/usr/local/sbin" "/local/bin" "/local/freeware/=
bin" "/local/gnu/bin" "/usr/freeware/bin" "/usr/pkg/bin"
                     "/usr/contrib/bin" "/opt/bin" "/opt/sbin" "/opt/local/bin")
 tramp-remote-process-environment '("ENV=3D''" "TMOUT=3D0" "LC_CTYPE=3D''" =
t" "autocorrect=3D" "correct=3D")
 tramp-restricted-shell-hosts-alist nil
 tramp-rfn-eshadow-overlay nil
 tramp-rsh-end-of-line "\n"
 tramp-save-ad-hoc-proxies nil
 tramp-sh-extra-args '(("/bash\\'" . "-norc -noprofile"))
 tramp-sh-file-name-handler-alist '((add-name-to-file . tramp-sh-handle-add=
-name-to-file) (copy-directory . tramp-sh-handle-copy-directory) (copy-file=
 . tramp-sh-handle-copy-file)
                                    (delete-directory . tramp-sh-handle-delete-directory) (delete-file =
. tramp-sh-handle-delete-file) (directory-file-name . tramp-handle-director=
                                    (directory-files . tramp-handle-directory-files) (directory-files-a=
nd-attributes . tramp-sh-handle-directory-files-and-attributes)
                                    (dired-compress-file . tramp-sh-handle-dired-compress-file) (dired-=
uncache . tramp-handle-dired-uncache) (expand-file-name . tramp-sh-handle-e=
                                    (file-accessible-directory-p . tramp-handle-file-accessible-directo=
ry-p) (file-acl . tramp-sh-handle-file-acl) (file-attributes . tramp-sh-han=
                                    (file-directory-p . tramp-sh-handle-file-directory-p) (file-equal-p=
 . tramp-handle-file-equal-p) (file-executable-p . tramp-sh-handle-file-exe=
                                    (file-exists-p . tramp-sh-handle-file-exists-p) (file-in-directory-=
p . tramp-handle-file-in-directory-p) (file-local-copy . tramp-sh-handle-fi=
                                    (file-modes . tramp-handle-file-modes) (file-name-all-completions .=
                                    (file-name-as-directory . tramp-handle-file-name-as-directory) (fil=
e-name-case-insensitive-p . tramp-handle-file-name-case-insensitive-p)
                                    (file-name-completion . tramp-handle-file-name-completion) (file-na=
me-directory . tramp-handle-file-name-directory)
                                    (file-name-nondirectory . tramp-handle-file-name-nondirectory) (fil=
e-newer-than-file-p . tramp-sh-handle-file-newer-than-file-p)
                                    (file-notify-add-watch . tramp-sh-handle-file-notify-add-watch) (fi=
le-notify-rm-watch . tramp-handle-file-notify-rm-watch)
                                    (file-notify-valid-p . tramp-handle-file-notify-valid-p) (file-owne=
rship-preserved-p . tramp-sh-handle-file-ownership-preserved-p)
                                    (file-readable-p . tramp-sh-handle-file-readable-p) (file-regular-p=
 . tramp-handle-file-regular-p) (file-remote-p . tramp-handle-file-remote-p)
                                    (file-selinux-context . tramp-sh-handle-file-selinux-context) (file=
-symlink-p . tramp-handle-file-symlink-p) (file-system-info . tramp-sh-hand=
                                    (file-truename . tramp-sh-handle-file-truename) (file-writable-p . =
tramp-sh-handle-file-writable-p) (find-backup-file-name . tramp-handle-find=
                                    (insert-directory . tramp-sh-handle-insert-directory) (insert-file-=
contents . tramp-handle-insert-file-contents) (load . tramp-handle-load)
                                    (make-auto-save-file-name . tramp-handle-make-auto-save-file-name) =
(make-directory . tramp-sh-handle-make-directory)
                                    (make-nearby-temp-file . tramp-handle-make-nearby-temp-file) (make-=
symbolic-link . tramp-sh-handle-make-symbolic-link) (process-file . tramp-s=
                                    (rename-file . tramp-sh-handle-rename-file) (set-file-acl . tramp-s=
h-handle-set-file-acl) (set-file-modes . tramp-sh-handle-set-file-modes)
                                    (set-file-selinux-context . tramp-sh-handle-set-file-selinux-contex=
t) (set-file-times . tramp-sh-handle-set-file-times)
                                    (set-visited-file-modtime . tramp-sh-handle-set-visited-file-modtim=
e) (shell-command . tramp-handle-shell-command) (start-file-process . tramp=
                                    (substitute-in-file-name . tramp-handle-substitute-in-file-name) (t=
emporary-file-directory . tramp-handle-temporary-file-directory) (unhandled=
-file-name-directory . ignore)
                                    (vc-registered . tramp-sh-handle-vc-registered) (verify-visited-fil=
e-modtime . tramp-sh-handle-verify-visited-file-modtime) (write-region . tr=
 tramp-shell-prompt-pattern "(decode-coding-string (base64-decode-string \"=
=3D\") 'raw-text)"
 tramp-smb-acl-program "smbcacls"
 tramp-smb-conf "/dev/null"
 tramp-smb-file-name-handler-alist '((add-name-to-file . tramp-smb-handle-a=
dd-name-to-file) (copy-directory . tramp-smb-handle-copy-directory) (copy-f=
ile . tramp-smb-handle-copy-file)
                                     (delete-directory . tramp-smb-handle-delete-directory) (delete-fil=
e . tramp-smb-handle-delete-file) (directory-file-name . tramp-handle-direc=
                                     (directory-files . tramp-smb-handle-directory-files) (directory-fi=
les-and-attributes . tramp-handle-directory-files-and-attributes) (dired-co=
mpress-file . ignore)
                                     (dired-uncache . tramp-handle-dired-uncache) (expand-file-name . t=
ramp-smb-handle-expand-file-name) (file-accessible-directory-p . tramp-smb-=
                                     (file-acl . tramp-smb-handle-file-acl) (file-attributes . tramp-sm=
b-handle-file-attributes) (file-directory-p . tramp-smb-handle-file-directo=
                                     (file-file-equal-p . tramp-handle-file-equal-p) (file-executable-p=
 . tramp-handle-file-exists-p) (file-exists-p . tramp-handle-file-exists-p)
                                     (file-in-directory-p . tramp-handle-file-in-directory-p) (file-loc=
al-copy . tramp-smb-handle-file-local-copy) (file-modes . tramp-handle-file=
                                     (file-name-all-completions . tramp-smb-handle-file-name-all-comple=
tions) (file-name-as-directory . tramp-handle-file-name-as-directory)
                                     (file-name-case-insensitive-p . tramp-handle-file-name-case-insens=
itive-p) (file-name-completion . tramp-handle-file-name-completion)
                                     (file-name-directory . tramp-handle-file-name-directory) (file-nam=
e-nondirectory . tramp-handle-file-name-nondirectory)
                                     (file-newer-than-file-p . tramp-handle-file-newer-than-file-p) (fi=
le-notify-add-watch . tramp-handle-file-notify-add-watch)
                                     (file-notify-rm-watch . tramp-handle-file-notify-rm-watch) (file-n=
otify-valid-p . tramp-handle-file-notify-valid-p) (file-ownership-preserved=
-p . ignore)
                                     (file-readable-p . tramp-handle-file-exists-p) (file-regular-p . t=
ramp-handle-file-regular-p) (file-remote-p . tramp-handle-file-remote-p)
                                     (file-selinux-context . tramp-handle-file-selinux-context) (file-s=
ymlink-p . tramp-handle-file-symlink-p) (file-system-info . tramp-smb-handl=
                                     (file-truename . tramp-handle-file-truename) (file-writable-p . tr=
amp-smb-handle-file-writable-p) (find-backup-file-name . tramp-handle-find-=
                                     (insert-directory . tramp-smb-handle-insert-directory) (insert-fil=
e-contents . tramp-handle-insert-file-contents) (load . tramp-handle-load)
                                     (make-auto-save-file-name . tramp-handle-make-auto-save-file-name)=
 (make-directory . tramp-smb-handle-make-directory)
                                     (make-directory-internal . tramp-smb-handle-make-directory-interna=
l) (make-nearby-temp-file . tramp-handle-make-nearby-temp-file)
                                     (make-symbolic-link . tramp-smb-handle-make-symbolic-link) (proces=
s-file . tramp-smb-handle-process-file) (rename-file . tramp-smb-handle-ren=
                                     (set-file-acl . tramp-smb-handle-set-file-acl) (set-file-modes . t=
ramp-smb-handle-set-file-modes) (set-file-selinux-context . ignore) (set-fi=
le-times . ignore)
                                     (set-visited-file-modtime . tramp-handle-set-visited-file-modtime)=
 (shell-command . tramp-handle-shell-command) (start-file-process . tramp-s=
                                     (substitute-in-file-name . tramp-smb-handle-substitute-in-file-nam=
e) (temporary-file-directory . tramp-handle-temporary-file-directory)
                                     (unhandled-file-name-directory . ignore) (vc-registered . ignore) =
(verify-visited-file-modtime . tramp-handle-verify-visited-file-modtime)
                                     (write-region . tramp-smb-handle-write-region))
 tramp-smb-method "smb"
 tramp-smb-program "smbclient"
 tramp-smb-winexe-program "winexe"
 tramp-smb-winexe-shell-command "powershell.exe"
 tramp-smb-winexe-shell-command-switch "-file -"
 tramp-ssh-controlmaster-options "-o ControlMaster=3Dauto -o ControlPath=3D=
'tramp.%%C' -o ControlPersist=3Dno"
 tramp-stat-marker "/////"
 tramp-stat-quoted-marker "\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/"
 tramp-syntax 'default
 tramp-temp-buffer-file-name nil
 tramp-temp-buffer-name " *tramp temp*"
 tramp-temp-name-prefix "tramp."
 tramp-terminal-prompt-regexp "\\(TERM =3D (.*)\\|Terminal type\\? \\[.*\\]=
 tramp-terminal-type "dumb"
 tramp-unknown-id-integer -1
 tramp-unknown-id-string "UNKNOWN"
 tramp-unload-hook '(#[0 "\300\301\302\"\207" [unload-feature tramp-cmds fo=
rce] 3] #[0 "\300\301\302\"\207" [unload-feature tramp-cache force] 3] #[0 =
"\300\301\302\"\207" [unload-feature tramp-sh force] 3]
                     #[0 "\300\301\302\"\207" [remove-hook interrupt-process-functions tr=
amp-interrupt-process] 3] #[0 "\300\301\302\"\207" [remove-hook kill-buffer=
-hook tramp-delete-temp-file-function] 3]
                     tramp-unload-file-name-handlers #[0 "\300\301\302\"\207" [remove-hoo=
k rfn-eshadow-update-overlay-hook tramp-rfn-eshadow-update-overlay] 3]
                     #[0 "\300\301\302\"\207" [remove-hook rfn-eshadow-setup-minibuffer-h=
ook tramp-rfn-eshadow-setup-minibuffer] 3]
                     #[0 "\300\301\302\"\210\300\303\302\"\207" [unload-feature tramp-loa=
ddefs force tramp-compat] 3] #[0 "\300\301\302\"\207" [unload-feature tramp=
ver force] 3])
 tramp-use-ssh-controlmaster-options t
 tramp-user-regexp "[^/|:       ]+"
 tramp-user-with-domain-regexp "\\([^/|:        ]+\\)%\\([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+\\)"
 tramp-uudecode "(echo begin 600 %t; tail -n +2) | uudecode\ncat %t\nrm -f =
 tramp-vc-registered-file-names nil
 tramp-vc-registered-read-file-names "echo \"(\"\nwhile read file; do\n    =
if %s \"$file\"; then\n echo \"(\\\"$file\\\" \\\"file-exists-p\\\" t)\"\n =
   else\n       echo \"(\\\"$file\\\" \\\"file-exists-p\\\" nil)\"\n    fi\n    i=
f %s \"$file\"; then\n  echo \"(\\\"$file\\\" \\\"file-readable-p\\\" t)\"\n=
    else\n      echo \"(\\\"$file\\\" \\\"file-readable-p\\\" nil)\"\n    fi\ndo=
ne\necho \")\""
 tramp-verbose 3
 tramp-version ""
 tramp-wrong-passwd-regexp "^.*\\(Connection \\(?:\\(?:clo\\|refu\\)sed\\)\=
\|Host key verification failed\\.\\|Login \\(?:[Ii]ncorrect\\)\\|N\\(?:ame =
or service not known\\|o supported authentication methods left to try!\\)\\=
|Permission denied\\|\\(?:Sorry, try again\\|Timeout, server not responding=
\\)\\.\\).*\\|^.*\\(Received signal [0-9]+\\).*"
 tramp-yesno-prompt-regexp "\\(Are you sure you want to continue connecting=
 tramp-yn-prompt-regexp "\\(\\(?:Store key in cache\\? (y/\\|Update cached =
key\\? (y/n, Return cancels connectio\\)n)\\)\\s-*"

local variables:
;; *tramp/sudo*
 connection-local-variables-alist nil
 default-directory "/"

;; *tramp/sudo*
 connection-local-variables-alist nil
 default-directory "/"

load-path shadows:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Disposition: attachment
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Description: *tramp/sudo*

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment
Content-Description: *tramp/sudo*



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