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Re: Our use of the "fixed" tag in debbugs

From: Glenn Morris
Subject: Re: Our use of the "fixed" tag in debbugs
Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2021 13:57:53 -0400
User-agent: Gnus (www.gnus.org), GNU Emacs (www.gnu.org/software/emacs/)

Stefan Kangas wrote:

> We currently use the debbugs "fixed" tag almost exclusively in this way:
>     tags NNN fixed
>     close NNN 29.1
>     thanks
> This is fine by me, no change needed here.

Personally I think this is a misuse of the tag, which I have
tried to discourage in https://debbugs.gnu.org/47854, and have actually
been meaning to discourage again. :)
I don't know why some Emacs developers use the tag in this way.

> For example, I just tagged Bug#50985 ("Merging gnulib for Emacs 28.1?")
> as "fixed".
>     https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=50985
> The idea here is that, yes, the issue is mainly taken care of but let's
> wait with closing it until we feel more confident about the fallout.

Personally I wish people would just be more proactive in closing things
when they believe they are fixed. It's easily reversible if needed;
unless someone has used the fixed tag! :)

> Currently, bugs are unfortunately just left open and untagged, which
> means that it can take a long time before someone goes back, tediously
> re-reads everything, and then closes it.

IMO this is just people failing to close a bug, so I don't see that they
would be any more likely to tag it. Unless for some reason people are
afraid of closing things.

But of course having said all that people doing the work (which doesn't
include me) are free to use the system however they find best.

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