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Re: News about the macro archive

From: Alexandre Duret-Lutz
Subject: Re: News about the macro archive
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 09:54:36 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

>>> "Peter" == Peter Simons <address@hidden> writes:

 Peter> Tom Howard writes:
 >> What is the difference between getting the tool the check
 >> dnl @license AllPermissive
 >> and
 >> dnl @license
 >> dnl   Copying and distribution of this file, with or without
 >> dnl   modification, are permitted in any medium without
 >> dnl   royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice
 >> dnl   are preserved.
 >> ?

 Peter> Look, we are running in circles. I am doing this little
 Peter> Macro Archive project for _fun_, 

Finally.  We users, need a useful archive, not a funny one.

The feature Braden, Tom, Bastian, Guido, and I have been all
asking recently, the thing that we need to make efficient use of
this archive, is that the macro that is submitted is the same as
the macros that is distributed.  That means DO NOT GENERATE the
M4 files, thank you.  As long as you are not hearing this, you
(and we) will be frustrated because everybody will try to
convince you in his own different, and maybe indirect way.

Nobody is against tool that syntax check or document macros.  So
you can still having fun writing such a thing in Haskell (I know
how pleasant it is to use this language so I fully understand
this).  But please don't make the archive harder to use just
because it's more fun to generate the M4 files.

 Peter> If that is not what you want to do, then feel free to do
 Peter> something else, but please do it in a branch. 

Or in a saner archive.  Sorry I had to say it.

 >> I'm not asking you to throw [your software] away. It can
 >> still be used as a tool for checking macros, however it's
 >> not what the archive needs.

 Peter> That from a guy who has subscribed to the mailing list about
 Peter> a week ago. You have no idea how the archive work, you have
 Peter> no idea what is going on behind the scenes, but you know
 Peter> better already what "the Archive needs" than I do, and I
 Peter> have only been maintaining it for six years. Hehe.

He is stating what *we* users need.  
Alexandre Duret-Lutz

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