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Re: More on CVS layout

From: Tom Howard
Subject: Re: More on CVS layout
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 14:32:30 +1100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)

Hash: SHA1

Hi Peter,

On 25/01/2005, at 5:05 PM, Peter Simons wrote:
> Tom Howard writes:
>> If you had simply told me you were going to do this, I
>> could have at least have said "please wait a until I
>> commit my licence changes", which would have saved me
>> heaps of work, I could have also warned you about the
>> affects of such a move and suggested an alternative.
> If you hadn't added lots of verbatim text into files but had
> just called
>   for n in "foo.m4 ..."; do
>     sed <$n >$ -e '/@license .*/@license AllPermissive/'
>     mv $ $n
>   done

That actually wouldn't have worked because there was no @licence tag
when I started.

> with the appropriate list of files, like I _explained_ you
> should do right after you volunteered, then the file
> movement wouldn't have affected you at all.

Really?  Well I just ran

for FILE in `grep -l @licence */*.m4`; do
        awk '/@licence/ { print $0 " AllPermissive"; getline; getline;
getline; getline; getline; }
                                 { print $0; }' $FILE > $FILE.tmp;
        mv $FILE.tmp $FILE;

On the files (remember my ones only have @licence if I've added it
with the all permissive details) and so they are now all in the format
you have requested.  What does this change in terms of the CVS move?
Absolutely nothing!  They are all in to format you requested, but
because you have moved the files and made other changes I must do
significantly more that `cvs commit`.  Now please explain again why
this is my fault.

> Perplexing, isn't it?
> I am sorry for your wasted efforts. I really am.
> Nonetheless: when I agree with someone to do one thing, but
> he goes ahead and does something completely different, then
> I don't see how I would be responsible when things go wrong.
> So please don't blame me.

Yes, I blame you.  Everything in my sandbox is (now) as you requested,
but now I have to write another script to merge my changes with yours,
and all because you failed to communicate.  Can you understand why I'm

Would you also like to address the other points I raised about
changing the cvs layout?  Your changes still broke any code that used
the cvs (like Guidod's sync), it still broke the revision information
and it still broke the build stuff I was working on and you knew I was
working on.


- --
Tom Howard

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