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Re: [Bino-list] Framerate issue on OSX 10.6

From: Frédéric Devernay
Subject: Re: [Bino-list] Framerate issue on OSX 10.6
Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 09:23:03 +0200

Dear David and Martin,

The video plays at the correct frame rate with Bino 1.1.1 on OSX 10.6 (i.e. it plays at the same speed from the vimeo web page and inside bino). I haven't tried with older versions.
Thanks for sharing this video.

You can download Bino 1.1.1 for Mac OSX from:


Le 19 mai 2011 à 06:51, Martin Lambers a écrit :

On 18/05/11 19:08, David Coiffier wrote:
Can you provide small sample files (one that works, one that does not)?
That would allow us to either debug this on our own or report a bug to
the FFmpeg project.

Actually, the movie file I was referring to (
exhibits the framerate issue. It is downloadable at Vimeo, when logged
with a free account. There's a link on the right side, under the text
description. Given the size, I guess I'd better provide a single shot
rather than full edit. I'll try to do this asap, except if you're ok to
dl such a big thing from Vimeo...

It would be nice if you could provide smaller samples. I tried to
download the full file, but my connection is slow and unreliable and I
did not manage to complete the transfer.

With a sample file (or even better two files, one that works and one
that does not), I can try to figure out what the problem is.


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