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[Dolibarr-dev] Dolibarr translations: a proposal for a better system

From: Lorenzo Novaro
Subject: [Dolibarr-dev] Dolibarr translations: a proposal for a better system
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 14:13:15 +0200
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Hi all,
as 3.4 release approaches, I think that a better translation management system 
would greatly benefit the project.
I use transifex to manage translations and set up a Dolibarr project on it.
(It is free for open source projects, like github)
It now only contains english (source language) and italian (my translations 
pulled from github).
Transifex is a great way to deal with translation files because it provides 
tools both for developers and translators. Every language in the project has 
one or more coordinators, translators and revisors. It is very easy to join 
translations and use it. A major plus is that it can automatically warn 
translators of source files updated by developers, to easily keep track of 
Updating source files and translations is very simple and can be done via the 
web interface, but also using a command line tool to pull them directly from a 
local repository or git.
Have a look at

I find it very useful and I'm using it for the italian translation currently, 
if you want to use it also for other languages or even make it a part of the 
development process (like github) I can help other translators get started 
with it and also write some instructions to be put on the wiki.

Translating Dolibarr is not really easy for non-tech-savvy translators as of 
now. Using transifex I think we could attract many more translators and keep 
all languages updated.

If others are interested I can add other people as project maintainers or 
language coordinators on 
starting today.
Diciannove Soc. Coop.
Via Luccoli 14/8
16123 Genova

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