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RE: [FR-devel] Plugin dependencies proposal

From: Philipp Meier
Subject: RE: [FR-devel] Plugin dependencies proposal
Date: 06 Nov 2002 20:06:21 +0100

Am Mit, 2002-11-06 um 18.37 schrieb Curt Hibbs:
> Rich Kilmer wrote:

> Can you think of a legitimate case where this would be insufficient? If not,
> then we could simply say that my plugin is dependent on a list of other
> plugins.
> BTW, How does Eclipse do this?
> > This enables a "depends on" relationship but removes the kind of
> > infinite flexibility on event-based state transitions which in the
> > current system can lead to some darned weird behavior.
> >
> > My question is this:  Is "depends on" (from UNLOADED->LOAD and
> > LOADED->START and their reverse) sufficient?
> It seems sufficient to me.

Not having detail knowledge of the current plugins, it seems possible to
me that two plugins depend on each other. This generally make some kind
of two-phase loading necessary. In the first phase (LOADED) the plugins
can be sure the other one _exists_ and can make the transition to
STARTED before acutally _using_ the plugin.

My $0.02,

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