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RE: [FR-devel] Plugin dependencies proposal

From: Rich Kilmer
Subject: RE: [FR-devel] Plugin dependencies proposal
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 13:40:15 -0500

> > What I propose is this:
> > -----
> > PluginA cannot load
> >   until PluginX is LOADED and PluginY is LOADED
> >
> > Which would automatically infer:
> >
> > PluginA needs to be UNLOADED
> >   before PluginX is UNLOADED and PluginY is UNLOADED
> > -----
> > And you could also would repeat for LOADED/start.
> Would it make sense to simplify this even further by only 
> dealing with STARTED. In other words, my plugin cannot LOAD 
> until both pluginX and pluginY have STARTED.
> Can you think of a legitimate case where this would be 
> insufficient? If not, then we could simply say that my plugin 
> is dependent on a list of other plugins.

That's what I was thinking.  I will research how eclipse handles it.

We need a dependency for transitioning to LOADED (based on other plugins
being LOADED) and RUNNING (based on other plugins running).  The
tear-down operation would just be the opposite.

be something like this (in YAML)

--- !ruby/object:FreeBASE::PluginConfiguration 
name: SourceParser
version: 1.0
autoload: (true)
require_path: plugins/SourceParser/SourceParser.rb
startup_module: FreeRIDE::Tools::SourceParser
  - !ruby/object:FreeBASE::DependencyConfiguration 
    state: LOADED
      - plugin: GuiCore
        version: "*"

or in XML

<plugin name="SourceParser" version="1.0" autoload="true">
  <dependency state="LOADED">
     <depends_on plugin="GuiCore" version="*"/>

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