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Re: [FR-devel] Plugin dependencies proposal

From: Laurent Julliard
Subject: Re: [FR-devel] Plugin dependencies proposal
Date: Wed, 06 Nov 2002 21:08:14 +0100
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Rich Kilmer wrote:

My question is this:  Is "depends on" (from UNLOADED->LOAD and
LOADED->START and their reverse) sufficient?

Let me know your thoughts.


I think we need no more than that right now. I would even argue that right now the only thing that is really useful is to know that a given is running (Started).

Curt asked how Eclipse is handling this. Well the answer is: it is as basic as one can think. The plugin.xml file allows one to specify a <require> statement which actually means that you want the required plugins to be started before you actually start yours. There isn't any notion of 'loaded' state. Just 'Running' (= Started)

For your information the Eclipse documentation dealing with this is at

The relevant section is pasted below:

The <requires> section of the manifest declares any dependencies on other plug-ins.

<!ELEMENT requires (import+)>
<!ATTLIST import
 plugin               CDATA #REQUIRED
 version              CDATA #IMPLIED
 match                (exact | compatible) "compatible"
 export               (true | false) "false"

Each dependency is specified using an <import> element. It contains the following attributes:

    * plugin - identifier of the required plug-in
    * version - optional version specification
* match - version matching rule. Ignored if version attribute is not specified. Determines whether the dependency is satisfied only with a plug-in of the specified version (possibly with additional service applied), or the dependency can be satisfied with any compatible version (including a more recent minor version of the plug-in) * export - specifies whether the dependent plug-in classes are made visible (are (re)exported) to users of this plug-in. By default, dependent classes are not exported (are not made visible)

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