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Re: [open-cobol-list] Problems with Display of multiple fields.

From: vince
Subject: Re: [open-cobol-list] Problems with Display of multiple fields.
Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 14:20:43 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.13.5 (Linux/; KDE/4.4.5; i686; ; )

On Tuesday 01 May 2012 08:31:46 Chris Geldenhuis wrote:
> Despite what is shown in Gary Cutler's excellent manual and used in some
> of the examples in it, I cannot get a DISPLAY of multiple fields to work.
> Previously in MFC I would use:
> DISPLAY identifier at POS, literal, identifier etc and would get all
> identifiers and literals appearing on the screen one after the other.
> When I compile this in Open Cobol only the first item in the list of
> identifiers and literals appears on screen.
> I have tried this with the "at POS" clause where shown above and at the
> end of the statement as it appears to be required by the manual.

You can use display A B C D.


display fred at 0101 with erase eos.
display john at 0120.
display a  at 0201

you cannot do display a b c d e f (etc) at 0101.
abcde should be in a 01 group (say zulu) within screen section.

01 A-Blk foreground-color 3.
  03 a  a pic xxx      line 1 col 1
 03 b  value "buckets of blood"  col 5.

Then you can just do display zulu.

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