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[Gugve-project] Fwd: Nuevos Voluntarios

From: Luis F. Araujo
Subject: [Gugve-project] Fwd: Nuevos Voluntarios
Date: Sat, 21 May 2005 23:05:21 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (X11/20050409)

Hola a todos,

Aqui re-envio un comunicado de GNU en caso de que alguien
en nuestro paĆ­s se encuentre interesado:


The FSF is looking for volunteers to maintain a version of OpenOffice
>that doesn't need a non-free Java platform, one that works fine
>without one.  If you want to volunteer to be one of the leaders of
>this effort, please write to address@hidden


Tambien hay una fuerte iniciativa para la creacion de alternativas libre
Flash, y Java.



                        -- luis

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