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[Gzz] InBCT-2.1-report-2003-08.txt

From: Asko Soukka
Subject: [Gzz] InBCT-2.1-report-2003-08.txt
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 09:59:10 +0300

> FM Hermanni Hyytiälä

How closely Hermanni's MT was related to STORM and Fenfire? Is it worth to be 
mentioned in reports like that?

>- Navidoc -UML-työkalumme on otettu käyttöön projektissamme ja siitä
>  on julkaistu posteri HyperText '03 -konferenssissa

Should we mention more spesific that Navidoc is about enhancing project's 
documentation? It's surely not described anywhere. "-- on otettu käyttöön 
projektimme dokumentoinnissa--"

>- LEGO-ohjaimet

Why isn't the poster about LEGO-controllers good enough to be mentioned?-)

>- Kuvien vuorovaikutteinen lataus

What is this about? I seem to have missed something recently...

> Olemme kuitenkin suuntaamassa hankettamme mm. Nokialta tulleen palautteen
> mukaiseksi: erityinen pyyntö oli tutkia käyttöliittymiemme toimintaa
> pienellä näytöllä sekä erilaisten ohjainten mukaan ottoa.

So, we haven't anything yet for the first Nokia's request? (about how GUI will 
on small displays) At least we could test, how our textures would work on small 
displays (how small fragment of a texture is enought to make it recognizable). 
On small display a document's title won't even fit on the screen to identify 
the document, but a fragment of texture could work. Could be that display 
resolutions aren't yet good enough, but propably they will...

Hmm... in the spring I was talking about using shadowing method in our tests. I 
was about to get the original article describing the method (AFAIK), but  
becuse library's storage order service was new to me I forgot to get the volume 
in time.. :-) I'll try again next week.


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