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Re: [Help-liquidwar6] Getting ready for 0.0.8beta

From: Christian Mauduit
Subject: Re: [Help-liquidwar6] Getting ready for 0.0.8beta
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 2009 07:25:36 +0100 (CET)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.15


On Fri, November 6, 2009 1:21 am, Kasper Hviid wrote:
> It is so pretty ... but what is wall-grease?
Good question. Wall-grease is a parameter I introduced to hopefully reduce
some nasty "resampling bugs". Typicall story follows: you design a level
with a wall, but when resampling (by resampling, I mean the operation
which consists to make your 1600x1200 map.png file a playable 200x150 map)
the wall gets so tiny fighters can go through it. That's too bad, for you
would really (really!) like this wall to be a *real* wall, and going
through it ruins the gameplay. Here, wall grease will simply make the wall
"thicker" after resampling, that is to say if grease is high (a value of 4
is all what is usually needed, max is 5) then there are chances fighters
won't go trough your wall any more. A map that typically requires this is
"fishy". That's the very map which gave me this idea. And conversly, a low
wall grease (eg -4) will cause some tiny walls or isolated islands to
disappear, but narrow passages might open themselves. Wether grease is
better at 0 (default) 0r -4 or +4 really depends on the nature of the map.
Else it probably would not be an option. Basically you can assume any
"wide open" level is better with high grease and any "tunnel like" is
better with low grease.

Together with "speed", this parameter should really make the old
"rounds-per-sec" + "moves-per-round" + [bazillion options] +
"min-map-surface" a souvenir. Those options are still here for debugging
and picky-picky setting, but most of the time "speed" + "wall-grease" is
probably all you need.

> I think I will need to know a few new commands - I also needs to enter
> sleep
> mode, just about now ...

I'm pretty happy you managed to compile the game. Thanks for your time and


PS: concerning your "can't find script/liquidwar6.scm" problem well, it
probably depends from where you launch the game. Normally running it from
the top source directory, that is "src/liquidwar6", will do the right
things for you. LW6 tries numerous path combinations to find its data
automatically, but it can still be fooled down, especially when ran from
the mingw32 context which is very special in many ways, as far as paths
are concerned.

Christian Mauduit <address@hidden> - ___ __/\__
Liquid War 6 -     / _")\~ \~/
"Les amis de la vérité sont ceux qui la cherchent et non _/ /   /_ o_\
ceux qui se vantent de l'avoir trouvée" - Condorcet     (__/      \/

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