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[Ltib] dbus for LTIB, mx27 target

From: Peter Wurmsdobler
Subject: [Ltib] dbus for LTIB, mx27 target
Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 09:39:00 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071031)


Did anyone ever try to compile dbus for an imx27 with ltib? Well, I'm trying to add it following the stand procedure. This is not the issue, I only have a few compile problems.

First, configure complains that there are no abstract sockets. Changing the (adding something like abstract socket == no) and autoconf takes care of that.

However, then I have troubles with a linker issue. It complains that when linking the dbus deamon, libxml (which compiles without any problem) has unresolved zlib symbols. Very strange.

Any idea?

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