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Re: [nmh-workers] mhshow: invalid BASE64 encoding in --

From: David Levine
Subject: Re: [nmh-workers] mhshow: invalid BASE64 encoding in --
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 21:31:14 -0400

Valdis wrote:

> Deciding whether the detection of an issue should
> be in the bse64 decoder or elsewhere is bikeshedding compared to trying
> to decide what semantics you want..

Identifying whether the issue is due to invalid base64 characters or due to an 
improperly constructed MIME part is prerequisite to deciding those semantics.

> The point is that accidentally glomming non-base64 data into the decoder
The nmh base64 decoder does a good job of not getting tripped by that, and I'd 
like to keep it that way.


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