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Re: [Protux-devel] project save broken, lost / somewhere

From: Martin Herren
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] project save broken, lost / somewhere
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 02:50:26 +0100

On Sun, 29 Dec 2002 23:23:26 +0000
Luciano Giordana <address@hidden> wrote:

> please remove the protuxprojects dir and start a new one, and let me know if 
> some problem occurs...

same behavior

> the convetion I adopted is : PATHS END WITHOUT "/". if you add a dir or file 
> into a PATH, you
> have to add a "/" before the new string. example

i think i got it.

i tracked the problem a little bit further:

gets a filename without a leading /

calls Audio::create(rootDir, filename, ...)

does a
QString absoluteFilename = rootDir + filename;
and calls

so there is a missing / between the rootDir and the filename, thus resulting in 
a wrong filename in the wrong directory.

The question is now, should Audio::create() add the missing / or should 
Recorder::set_output_file() already receive a filename with a leading / ?

If Audio::create() should add the /, the problem is easy to fix... in the 
second case i have no idea who calls Recorder::set_output_file() to fix the 
problem there...


Open your Windows - Free your Mind - Enjoy

Martin Herren                             +41 (0)79 746 57 83
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