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Re: [Protux-devel] project save broken, lost / somewhere

From: Luciano Giordana
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] project save broken, lost / somewhere
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2002 23:23:26 +0000
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

I have made some changes recently due the curve/filter controller saving 

please remove the protuxprojects dir and start a new one, and let me know if 
some problem occurs...

Anyway, if this is not about protuxproject dir refreshing, maybe there is some 
/ lost somewhere, indeed.

the convetion I adopted is : PATHS END WITHOUT "/". if you add a dir or file 
into a PATH, you
have to add a "/" before the new string. example

ROOTDIR = "/home/giordana"

NEWDIR = ROOTDIR + "/newdir"

ANOTHERDIR = NEWDIR + "/anotherdir"

and not

ROOTDIR = "/home/giordana/"

NEWDIR = ROOTDIR + "newdir/"

ANOTHERDIR = NEWDIR + "anotherdir"

got it ?

also check Song constructor.. there are some code there relevant to this thing..

I hope it helps

On Monday 30 December 2002 12:54 am, Martin Herren wrote:
> Hej,
> at startup Protux tries to load the Untitled project, but fails (at least
> for me) as it cannot find the praf files (take-yyyymmdd-xxxxx.praf) under
> ~/protuxprojects/Untitled/song_2/capture/ So it always starts with an empty
> project.
> I noticed that this file exists but is called
> capturetake-yyyymmdd-xxxxx.praf and is under
> ~/protuxprojects/Untitled/song_2/ just copying the file under capture/ and
> renaming it enables Protux to load correctly the Untitled project at
> startup.
> so during the save process, a '/' is lost somewhere.
> didn't look closer where this happens yet.
> btw, i got a basic project-load working ;-)
> i'll do some clean-up as loading-code is duplicated between the Interface
> constructor and the ProjectManager, then i can commit it (if you don't want
> to wait for 0.17 to test new stuff)
> Martin

Luciano Giordana - Musician - Certified Java/GNU C++ Developer - Free Software 
Project Protux : Free Professional Audio Tools for GNU/Linux
-- Once Palladium is up and running , I will become a hacker --

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