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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] rdiff restore 'missing' on os x tiger

From: Ben Escoto
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] rdiff restore 'missing' on os x tiger
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 19:39:37 -0600

>>>>> Chris Kausel <address@hidden>
>>>>> wrote the following on Mon, 12 Dec 2005 08:55:11 -0800 (PST)
> 6) What I found interesting was there is no .missing
> version of stunningillusion.wmv.  But anyway,
> according to the rdiff-backup documentation, any
> increment file should work for restore, right? So I
> went ahead and issued the following command:

The backup repository looks right---the increments go in reverse, so
you get a .missing when you make a new file, not when you delete a

> root# /sw/bin/rdiff-backup
> stunningillusion.wmv.2005-12-12\;08402\;05803\;05803-08\;05800.snapshot
> /Users/ckausel/Desktop/temp/

This should work...

> 7) the temp directory on my desktop instantly vanished
> without a trace and no sign of a restored
> stunningillusion.wmv anywhere.

Hmm, can you try it using the other restore syntax, as in:

/sw/bin/rdiff-backup -r 1M 

and see if it works then?

> by the way: I noticed some interesting stuff in this log.  First,
> its claim regarding which characters need quoting doesn't look
> correct for os x, which would explain why almost all of my files are
> quoted, I guess.  Is this something I can configure?

Yes, there's a bug which should be fixed in 1.1.4, which I'll release
soon (once I get this KeyError stuff fixed).

> Mon Dec 12 09:19:45 2005  Regular copying () to
> /Users/ckausel/Desktop/rdiff-backup.tmp.1
> Mon Dec 12 09:19:45 2005  Removing directory
> /Users/ckausel/Desktop/temp

Hmm, this looks like a time error, where rdiff-backup is "restoring"
the current (deleted) file.

BTW that
should just be a copy of the original stunningillusion file, so if you
want to restore that file before you get rdiff-backup working, you can
just copy that where you want it.

Ben Escoto

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