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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] bzr access problems

From: Tim Cross
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] bzr access problems
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2011 11:11:17 +1100

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 10:55 AM, Martin Pool <address@hidden> wrote:
> fwiw I just branched emacs successfully over http.
> Always a good question is: what changed?  I don't recall hearing of
> these disconnects more than a couple of weeks ago.  Was bzr upgraded,
> or the server, or did anything in the network infrastructure change?
> Martin

To help narrow things down, I had no problems pulling from the bzr
repository last week. I know I did it on Monday and I think I did it
on Wednesday and possibly Thursday. It first failed for me Monday
morning this week. This was before I did any local updates. My last OS
updates prior to Monday were on the 5th (Wed). I think I did a pull
after that, but cannot be certain. I definietely did at least 1 pull
last week though.

I am running the same Linux distro on my home machine, but 64bit
rather than 32 bit. It has had no problems and I updated there on
Monday and Tuesday this week. It has had the same updates applied,
thought we cannot eliminate 64 v 32 bit differences.

The OS on both machines is xubuntu 11.04

My timezone is GMT+11 (Eastern Australia Daylight savings time)


Tim Cross
Phone: 0428 212 217

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