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From: John Carnahan
Subject: Lists
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 1996 09:04:14 -0800 (PST)

Anybody know an answer...

For an earlier version of swarm I used a list call, moveToOffset, which 
now gives a compiler error. The error is a warning indicating that it 
cannot find the method.  This app compiled fine with gcc 2.6.x but now 
does not with gcc 2.7.2.  Does Anybody have ideas that could help? 
My method source is:
-(Hut *) getIndexedHut: (int) whichHut {
        id iter;
        Hut * myHut;

        iter = [hutList begin: hutZone];
        [iter moveToOffset: whichHut];
        myHut = [iter get];
        return (myHut);

John Carnahan
--Graduate Student. Dept. of Biology UCLA       --
--(310) 206-4079                                --

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