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Buggy Drag & Drop under WindowsNT!??! HELP!!

From: Dominique Jacquel
Subject: Buggy Drag & Drop under WindowsNT!??! HELP!!
Date: Fri, 04 Jun 1999 21:14:47 +0100

hi there,

I am experiencing a very disturbing bug in the drag and drop support under
It all works under Linux, but NOT under winNT!

Basically, I'm trying to dynamically create a constraint between two existing
agents. I have few probe displays around but two of critical importance.

One has two button(function), selectNext and selectPrevious to select existing
agents and looks like this

- (id)selectNext {
  if ([agentIndex getLoc] != (id)End) selectedAgent = [agentIndex next];
  if ([agentIndex getLoc] == (id)End) [agentIndex setLoc:Start];
  [madsObserverSwarm updateProbeWith:(id)selectedAgent];
  return selectedAgent; 

Another probedisplay one has a function to create inter-agent constraint that
looks like that

- newConstraint:(int)inType A1:(id)inA1 A2:(id)inA2 Tol:(double)inTol { 
  id obj;
  obj = [Constraint create:[self getZone]];
  [obj setAgent1:(id)inA1];
  [obj setAgent2:(id)inA2];
  [obj setConstraintType:(int)inType];
  [obj setMargin:(double)inTol];
  [self addConstraint:(id)obj];  <-- this just adds obj to an existing List
  return obj; 

At run time I select agents using selectNext/selectPrevious, Then I drag the
returned ids into the argument a1 and a2 of newConstraint:A1:A2:Tol:! It works
perfectly under linux, but under NT, I can drag the first id, but after that it
goes badly wrong. I select a different agent, drag its id, I can still drop the
id into the probe but the result is always to drop the first id not the new one.

I would reeeeally like some feedback on this as I'm already in panic mode for my
last 5 month of my Phd and need to finish coding very soon! :-(


ps: sorry if this explannation is not cristal clear but it is 9:10pm and I've
been working for too long today!

Dominique Jacquel  -  Phd Student  -  University of Edinburgh
address@hidden - www.mech.ed.ac.uk - +44 (0)131 650 8696

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