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Re: swarm-2.2-pretest-2 running problems

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: swarm-2.2-pretest-2 running problems
Date: 30 Oct 2001 13:33:26 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.7

>>>>> "MM" == Mamei Marco (NRC/Boston) <address@hidden> writes:

MM> java/lang/NullPointerException then it dumps Kaffe.exe ...

MM> Moreover the same application runs (with some problems) under JBuilder

JBuilder would be using Sun JVM and Kaffe is the JVM distributed with
Swarm.  "jdkswarm" and "jdkcswarm" (instead of "javaswarm" and
"javacswarm" will use the Sun stuff, if it is installed.

A NullPointerException just means that, one way or another, you got
your hands on a null object and tried to call a method using it or
access a variable inside of it.  One way to get that is to forget to
initialize a variable.  Another way, is to access a Grid using an
out-of-bounds index.  Swarm doesn't check the index since checking
takes time and slows down simulations.  This would be a plausible way
to get different behavior between different JVMs (or even the same
one) because uninitialized memory might or might not be zero.

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