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Re: Failed gui test:NSView_autoresize_and_rounding WAS: gnustep compiled

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: Failed gui test:NSView_autoresize_and_rounding WAS: gnustep compiled with clang and gworkspace problem
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 23:03:47 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; de; rv: Gecko/20110920 SUSE/3.1.15 Thunderbird/3.1.15

On 31.10.2011 13:50, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

On Sunday, October 30, 2011 22:28 CET, Fred Kiefer<fredkiefer@gmx.de>  wrote:

On 30.10.2011 14:07, Sebastian Reitenbach wrote:

since -base tests are fine now for me, I'm back to -gui: The following tests 
are still failing for me on OpenBSD i386 5.0 -current:

Testing lazy_copy.m...
Running gui/NSPasteboard/lazy_copy.m...
which happens to fail randomly.

Testing setDelegate_reload.m...
Running gui/NSSavePanel/setDelegate_reload.m...
Failed test:     browser initially contains all files
Failed test:     browser is reloaded after -setDelegate:
Failed test:     browser contains all files after resetting delegate
Failed test:     browser is reloaded after -setDelegate: (2)
Completed file:  setDelegate_reload.m

The most likely reason for these tests to fail is that the .svn
directory is missing. We should rewrite the test in a way that does not
rely on the fact that the code includes the .svn directories. The will
be gone in a while anyway when everybody switches to svn 1.7.
And of course the test "browser contains all files after resetting
delegate" fails on all systems.

Testing NSView_autoresize_and_rounding.m...
Running gui/NSView/NSView_autoresize_and_rounding.m...
Failed test:     NSView autoresizing works
Passed test:     NSView autoresizing corner cases work
Failed test:     NSView autoresize rounding works
(1) expected frame (10 10)+(10 10), got (10 10)+(9 10)
(1) expected frame (10 10)+(10 10), got (9 9)+(9 9)
Completed file:  NSView_autoresize_and_rounding.m

These tests should work. Here you could try to add some NSLog statements
to the code in NSView to find out what is actually going on. I remember
that when you looked at that code in gdb you got unlikely results.

A couple of hours later, I tracked down the first thing to happen in [NSView 

- (NSRect) centerScanRect: (NSRect)aRect
   NSAffineTransform     *matrix;

    *    Hmm - we assume that the windows coordinate system is centered on the
    *    pixels of the screen - this may not be correct of course.
    *    Plus - this is all pretty meaningless if we are not in a window!
   matrix = [self _matrixToWindow];
   NSLog(@"centerScanRect: matrix: %@", matrix);
   aRect.origin = [matrix transformPoint: aRect.origin];
   aRect.size = [matrix transformSize: aRect.size];
   if (aRect.size.height<  0.0)
       aRect.size.height = -aRect.size.height;
   NSLog(@"centerScanRect: aRect before floor: %@", NSStringFromRect(aRect));
   aRect.origin.x = floor(aRect.origin.x);
   aRect.origin.y = floor(aRect.origin.y);
   aRect.size.width = floor(aRect.size.width);
   aRect.size.height = floor(aRect.size.height);
   NSLog(@"centerScanRect: aRect after floor: %@", NSStringFromRect(aRect));

   matrix = [self _matrixFromWindow];
   aRect.origin = [matrix transformPoint: aRect.origin];
   aRect.size = [matrix transformSize: aRect.size];
   if (aRect.size.height<  0.0)
       aRect.size.height = -aRect.size.height;

   return aRect;

here the output from the tests.log file for that test, most interesting are the 
NSLog lines around the floor:

2011-10-30 22:55:24.847 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] WWW container:  h=--- 
v=---<NSView: 0x829ed504>  f={x = 0; y = 0; width = 200; height = 100} b={x = 0; y = 0; 
width = 200; height = 100} view1:  h=-&- v=---<NSView: 0x829ed904>  f={x = 10; y = 
10; width =
  110; height = 10} b={x = 0; y = 0; width = 110; height = 10}
2011-10-30 22:55:24.847 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] 
_is_rotated_or_scaled_from_base was NULL
2011-10-30 22:55:24.847 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] 
_setFrameAndClearAutoresizingError: Got this NSRect: {x = 0; y = 0; width = 
100; height = 100}
2011-10-30 22:55:24.848 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] coordinates are 
2011-10-30 22:55:24.848 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] resetCursorRects 
doing nothing
2011-10-30 22:55:24.848 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] going to  
resizeSubviewsWithOldSize: width: 200.000000, height: 100.000000
2011-10-30 22:55:24.848 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] 
resizeSubviewsWithOldSize: we have subviews: _rFlags.has_subviews
2011-10-30 22:55:24.848 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] 
resizeSubviewsWithOldSize: we did not return: _autoresizes_subviews was no NO 
OR _is_rotated_from_base was not YES
2011-10-30 22:55:24.848 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] subview o before 
resizeWithOldSuperviewSize:  h=-&- v=---<NSView: 0x829ed904>  f={x = 10; y = 
10; width = 110; height = 10} b={x = 0; y = 0; width = 110; height = 10}
2011-10-30 22:55:24.848 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] 
resizeWithOldSuperviewSize: _autoresizingMask != NSViewNotSizable
2011-10-30 22:55:24.849 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] 
resizeWithOldSuperviewSize: before rounding, newFrameRounded: {x = 10; y = 10; 
width = 10; height = 10}
2011-10-30 22:55:24.849 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] centerScanRect: 
matrix: NSAffineTransform ((1.000000, 0.000000) (0.000000, 1.000000) (0.000000, 
2011-10-30 22:55:24.849 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] centerScanRect: 
aRect before floor: {x = 10; y = 10; width = 10; height = 10}
2011-10-30 22:55:24.849 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] centerScanRect: 
aRect after floor: {x = 10; y = 10; width = 9; height = 10}
2011-10-30 22:55:24.849 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] 
resizeWithOldSuperviewSize: performed rounding, newFrameRounded: {x = 10; y = 
10; width = 9; height = 10}
2011-10-30 22:55:24.849 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] 
_setFrameAndClearAutoresizingError: Got this NSRect: {x = 10; y = 10; width = 
9; height = 10}
2011-10-30 22:55:24.850 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] resetCursorRects 
doing nothing
2011-10-30 22:55:24.850 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] subview o after 
resizeWithOldSuperviewSize:  h=-&- v=---<NSView: 0x829ed904>  f={x = 10; y = 
10; width = 9; height = 10} b={x = 0; y = 0; width = 9; height = 10}
2011-10-30 22:55:24.850 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] XXX container:  h=--- 
v=---<NSView: 0x829ed504>  f={x = 0; y = 0; width = 100; height = 100} b={x = 0; y = 0; 
width = 100; height = 100} view1:  h=-&- v=---<NSView: 0x829ed904>  f={x = 10; y = 
10; width =
  9; height = 10} b={x = 0; y = 0; width = 9; height = 10}

unfortunately, I don't see how the third floor rounds it down to 9????

and also the second failure seems to happen at the same place:

2011-10-30 22:55:24.912 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] 
resizeSubviewsWithOldSize: we did not return: _autoresizes_subviews was no NO 
OR _is_rotated_from_base was not YES
2011-10-30 22:55:24.912 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] subview o before resizeWithOldSuperviewSize:  
h=&&&  v=&&&  <NSView: 0x829ed904>  f={x = 3; y = 3; width = 3; height = 3} 
b={x = 0; y = 0; width = 3; height = 3}
2011-10-30 22:55:24.912 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] 
resizeWithOldSuperviewSize: _autoresizingMask != NSViewNotSizable
2011-10-30 22:55:24.913 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] 
resizeWithOldSuperviewSize: !NSEqualRects(NSZeroRect, _autoresizingFrameError): 
newFrame before _autoresizingFrameError: {x = 3; y = 3; width = 3; height = 3}
2011-10-30 22:55:24.913 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] 
resizeWithOldSuperviewSize: !NSEqualRects(NSZeroRect, _autoresizingFrameError): 
newFrame after _autoresizingFrameError: {x = 3.3; y = 3.3; width = 3.3; height 
= 3.3}
2011-10-30 22:55:24.913 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] 
resizeWithOldSuperviewSize: before rounding, newFrameRounded: {x = 10; y = 10; 
width = 10; height = 10}
2011-10-30 22:55:24.913 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] centerScanRect: 
matrix: NSAffineTransform ((1.000000, 0.000000) (0.000000, 1.000000) (0.000000, 
2011-10-30 22:55:24.913 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] centerScanRect: 
aRect before floor: {x = 10; y = 10; width = 10; height = 10}
2011-10-30 22:55:24.913 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] centerScanRect: 
aRect after floor: {x = 9; y = 9; width = 9; height = 9}
2011-10-30 22:55:24.914 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] 
resizeWithOldSuperviewSize: performed rounding, newFrameRounded: {x = 9; y = 9; 
width = 9; height = 9}
2011-10-30 22:55:24.914 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] 
_setFrameAndClearAutoresizingError: Got this NSRect: {x = 9; y = 9; width = 9; 
height = 9}
2011-10-30 22:55:24.914 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] resetCursorRects 
doing nothing
2011-10-30 22:55:24.914 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] subview o after resizeWithOldSuperviewSize:  
h=&&&  v=&&&  <NSView: 0x829ed904>  f={x = 9; y = 9; width = 9; height = 9} 
b={x = 0; y = 0; width = 9; height = 9}
2011-10-30 22:55:24.914 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] container:  h=--- 
v=---<NSView: 0x829ed504>  f={x = 0; y = 0; width = 100; height = 100} b={x = 
0; y = 0; width = 100; height = 100}
2011-10-30 22:55:24.915 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] counter: 19: got view:  h=&&&  
v=&&&  <NSView: 0x829ed904>  f={x = 9; y = 9; width = 9; height = 9} b={x = 0; y = 0; width 
= 9; height = 9}, got frame:
2011-10-30 22:55:24.915 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] 
_setFrameAndClearAutoresizingError: Got this NSRect: {x = 1.5; y = 1.5; width = 
1.5; height = 1.5}
2011-10-30 22:55:24.915 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] resetCursorRects 
doing nothing
2011-10-30 22:55:24.915 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[14247] counter: 20: got view:  h=&&&  
v=&&&  <NSView: 0x829ed904>  f={x = 1.5; y = 1.5; width = 1.5; height = 1.5} b={x = 0; y = 
0; width = 1.5; height = 1.5}, got frame:

But here, I don't see why floor rounds down to 9. Then I exchanged the %g with 
%f in NSStringFromRect, and I got:

2011-10-30 23:24:52.009 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[16728] going to  
resizeSubviewsWithOldSize: width: 200.000000, height: 100.000000
2011-10-30 23:24:52.009 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[16728] 
resizeSubviewsWithOldSize: we have subviews: _rFlags.has_subviews
2011-10-30 23:24:52.009 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[16728] 
resizeSubviewsWithOldSize: we did not return: _autoresizes_subviews was no NO 
OR _is_rotated_from_base was not YES
2011-10-30 23:24:52.010 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[16728] subview o before 
resizeWithOldSuperviewSize:  h=-&- v=---<NSView: 0x7c4abe04>  f={x = 10.000000; 
y = 10.000000; width = 110.000000; height = 10.000000} b={x = 0.000000; y = 0.000000; 
width = 110.000000; h
eight = 10.000000}
2011-10-30 23:24:52.010 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[16728] 
resizeWithOldSuperviewSize: _autoresizingMask != NSViewNotSizable
2011-10-30 23:24:52.010 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[16728] 
resizeWithOldSuperviewSize: before rounding, newFrameRounded: {x = 10.000000; y 
= 10.000000; width = 9.999997; height = 10.000000}
2011-10-30 23:24:52.010 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[16728] centerScanRect: 
matrix: NSAffineTransform ((1.000000, 0.000000) (0.000000, 1.000000) (0.000000, 
2011-10-30 23:24:52.010 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[16728] centerScanRect: 
aRect before floor: {x = 10.000000; y = 10.000000; width = 9.999997; height = 
2011-10-30 23:24:52.010 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[16728] centerScanRect: 
aRect after floor: {x = 10.000000; y = 10.000000; width = 9.000000; height = 
2011-10-30 23:24:52.011 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[16728] 
resizeWithOldSuperviewSize: performed rounding, newFrameRounded: {x = 
10.000000; y = 10.000000; width = 9.000000; height = 10.000000}
2011-10-30 23:24:52.011 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[16728] 
_setFrameAndClearAutoresizingError: Got this NSRect: {x = 10.000000; y = 
10.000000; width = 9.000000; height = 10.000000}
2011-10-30 23:24:52.011 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[16728] resetCursorRects 
doing nothing
2011-10-30 23:24:52.011 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[16728] subview o after 
resizeWithOldSuperviewSize:  h=-&- v=---<NSView: 0x7c4abe04>  f={x = 10.000000; 
y = 10.000000; width = 9.000000; height = 10.000000} b={x = 0.000000; y = 0.000000; width 
= 9.000000; height
  = 10.000000}
2011-10-30 23:24:52.011 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[16728] XXX container:  h=--- 
v=---<NSView: 0x7c4ab104>  f={x = 0.000000; y = 0.000000; width = 100.000000; 
height = 100.000000} b={x = 0.000000; y = 0.000000; width = 100.000000; height = 
100.000000} view1:  h=-
&- v=---<NSView: 0x7c4abe04>  f={x = 10.000000; y = 10.000000; width = 
9.000000; height = 10.000000} b={x = 0.000000; y = 0.000000; width = 9.000000; height = 
2011-10-30 23:24:52.012 NSView_autoresize_and_rounding[16728] counter: 7: got view:  
h=-&- v=---<NSView: 0x7c4abe04>  f={x = 10.000000; y = 10.000000; width = 
9.000000; height = 10.000000} b={x = 0.000000; y = 0.000000; width = 9.000000; height = 
10.000000}, got fra

way more interesting numbers, and they now explain, why things happen.

with attached patch, all three tests in NSView_aotresize_and_rounding.m pass 
for me.

But I've no idea, if this is the right fix ;)

You definitely would get more support for that patch from Eric if you used GSRoundTowardsInfinity instead of rint. He removed that function from GNUstep gui a few months ago and re-introducing it via a patch isn't a good idea.

Whether the achieved behaviour is correct, can only be tested by comparing a lot of cases to the results on a Mac.

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