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[Duplicity-talk] Re: Duplicity 0.4.4.RC2 Ready

From: Andreas Schildbach
Subject: [Duplicity-talk] Re: Duplicity 0.4.4.RC2 Ready
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 21:54:16 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070824)

Kenneth Loafman wrote:

> Added --time-separator <char> to allow users to change the time
> separator from ':' to another character that will work on their
> system.  HINT: For Windows SMB shares, use --time-separator='_'.
> NOTE: '-' is not valid as it conflicts with date separator.

I'm afraid this feature does not work yet (at least not with SMB shares):

# /root/duplicity-0.4.4.RC3/bin/duplicity --encrypt-key xxx --sign-key
xxx --verbosity 4 --time-separator='_' --exclude-globbing-filelist
/root/.ftplicity/exclude / ftp://xxx/
Password for 'xxx':
Reading globbing filelist /root/.ftplicity/exclude
Last full backup date: Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
GnuPG passphrase:
Retype to confirm:
No signatures found, switching to full backup.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/root/duplicity-0.4.4.RC3/bin/duplicity", line 400, in ?
    if __name__ == "__main__": main()
  File "/root/duplicity-0.4.4.RC3/bin/duplicity", line 393, in main
    if not sig_chain: full_backup(col_stats)
  File "/root/duplicity-0.4.4.RC3/bin/duplicity", line 144, in full_backup
    sig_outfp = get_sig_fileobj("full-sig")
  File "/root/duplicity-0.4.4.RC3/bin/duplicity", line 132, in
    fh = globals.backend.get_fileobj_write(sig_filename)
  File "/root/dupl/lib/python2.4/site-packages/duplicity/backends.py",
line 242, in get_fileobj_write
AssertionError: Filename
duplicity-full-signatures.2007-10-02T21:42:43+02:00.sigtar.gpg not
correctly parsed

I suspect the "_" substitution is not happening.

Also, I would prefer if we just have *one* sane format for duplicity
files that works for all filesystems, rather than giving several options
to customize the format. Why not just use


and skip the timezone part completely (use GMT instead, as discussed
earlier)? And maybe remove the --short-filenames format, as it will then
be useless?

Of course, there would be some need for backwards compatibility. I think
duplicity should automatically detect/read files of both (long and
short) old formats, but create only the new format.



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