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Re: A new collaborative editing package (maybe tangent)

From: Karl Fogel
Subject: Re: A new collaborative editing package (maybe tangent)
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:28:55 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

On 29 Dec 2023, Yuan Fu wrote:
I’ve been working on a collaborative editing package on-and-off for a while. I call it collab-mode. It’s far from complete but I want to
gather some early feedback (and find some people to test it).

Yes, another collab editing package. I know there’s a pile of
abandoned collab editing packages already, and whether it’s really
very useful is questionable in the age of google docs.

There is no question at all about its usefulness! Having a reliable, usable, and easy-to-install Emacs package for collaborative editing would be amazing. Even if it were to only support Emacs<->Emacs it would be a great thing; if it allows collaborative editing with people using other editors, then it will make the stars shine and the moon sing.

I know you said it's not there yet, but I just wanted to respond to your remark about questionable usefulness. Many people would love to have this. I hope you keep working on it! (Personally, if I had time for sustained Emacs development, this would be my highest priority.)

Nevertheless, there seems to be some niche use-cases and I want
to make something original.

Not niche, not niche! :-)

I'll try to test it with a colleague in January.

Since you're using OT anyway, I wonder if eventually it can be compatible with Etherpad, which I believe is also OT not CRDT. That would be a nice win.

It is still very much a WIP so expect it to break a lot and maybe
don’t post it on Reddit or HN :-) After all, I might never complete
and publish it.


Good luck!  We'll report bugs in your tracker when ready.

Best regards,

My goal for collab-mode is for it to be a p2p, cross-editor, real-time collab editing package (Emacs collab with Vim!). It works kind of like
language servers (LSP): a local “collab server” (called collab
process) talks to the editor over JSONRPC, and collab processes talk among themselves over the internet. Most of the hard work is done by the collab process and the editor end should be relatively easy to

As of right now, collab-mode has these features:
- Sharing a plain text file
- Sharing a directory (still have rough edges)
- Undo & redo (linear)
- Builtin NAT traversal

And it lacks:
- Authentication and access control
- Auto-resume from network breakage
- Follow mode
- Better error message and error handling in general
- Documentation for writing a editor frontend
- Any form of API stability whatsoever

And obviously there’s no support for other editors yet.

Getting started

I hope I didn’t scare everyone away, here’s how to try it out:

You can find the project at https://github.com/casouri/collab-mode

You can either clone the repo and

   make session-1

to run the collab process (you need rust toolchain to compile it). Or download the pre-built binary from Releases [1], and run the server

   RUST_BACKTRACE=1 RUST_LOG=debug ./collab-mode run --socket

Then, load lisp/collab-mode.el, and

   M-x collab RET

It’ll prompt for your name, and give you some options to continue.

 h  to open the dashboard (hub)
 s  to share the current buffer
 S  to share a file or directory

Let’s go to the hub first. The dashboard should look like this:

|Connection: UP                                             |
|Connection type: (socket 7701)                             |
|Accepting remote peer connections: NO                      |
|                                                           |
|                                                           |
|                                                           |
|🧚 No shared docs, not here, not now.                      |
|Let’s create one, and here’s how!                          |
|                                                           |
|                                                           |
|PRESS + TO SHARE A FILE                                    |
|PRESS C TO CONNECT TO A REMOTE DOC                         |
|                                                           |

You can share a file by pressing "+". It’ll open that file, start
collab-monitored-mode (which should flash green on success), and
present the share link in the hub:

|Connection: UP                                             |
|Connection type: (socket 7701)                             |
|Accepting remote peer connections: YES                     |
|Server at: wss://signal.collab-mode.org/c28c65c2-a02a-11e..|
|                                                           |
|                                                           |
|🧚 Your file is shared, and here’s the link                |
|Anyone can connect with just a click!                      |
|LINK: wss://signal.collab-mode.org/c28c65c2-a02a-11ee-b1e..|
|                                                           |
|                                                           |
|self                                                       |
|shared-file.txt *                                          |
|                                                           |
|PRESS + TO SHARE A FILE                                    |
|PRESS C TO CONNECT TO A REMOTE DOC                         |
|                                                           |

You’ll notice that the link starts with signal.collab-mode.org. Does that mean your file is hosted on that server? No. The sharer hosts the
file. This server is a _signaling_ server that I set up for NAT
traversal, ie, to help setup the connection between collab processes.

On another editor, go to the hub, type "C", and enter the link;
collab-mode will connect to the other editor and open the shared file. It’ll open the buffer and start collab-monitored-mode (followed by a
green flash on success).

Note that, when you share a file, your local collab process will be
open for public connection for 3 minutes. During this time, since
there’s no authentication right now, anyone that knows your address
(wss://signal.collab-mode.org/c28c65c2-...) can connect to you.

If you want to accept remote connection again, press "A" in the hub.
That’ll give you another 3 minutes.

In the shared buffer

In the shared buffer, you can only use collab-mode’s undo and redo function, which are bound to "C-/" and "C-.", respectively. You can also use undo-only and undo-redo, they are remapped to collab-mode’s
undo/redo commands.

In the shared buffer, use collab-share-link to copy the share link to

In the hub buffer

I’ve setup eldoc for the hub buffer. When you leave point on a doc,
eldoc will show you the available commands for this doc.

When things go wrong

When refreshing in the hub buffer (pressing "g"), if something goes wrong (can’t connect to local or remote collab process), the error
will be printed in the bottom.

When in a shared buffer, if something goes wrong, the screen will
flash red, and Emacs will show a warning detailing the error. In that case, if you can, please collect the warning and terminal logs and
send them to me, so I can try to debug it.

For the curious minds

There’s a README in src/README.md, it’s mostly for myself so it’ll be hard to read for others. And before you ask, collab-mode doesn’t use
CRDT, it uses OT with tombstones.

Help with rhymes

I hope you don’t find the fairy and her bad rhymes annoying. I’m not very good at rhymes, chatgpt is even worse. If you can come up with
better ones, please do send them along :-)

[1] The prebuilt binaries are debug build, which are pretty large; the
release build is much smaller (~6MB).

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