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Re: Question on set-window-margins

From: Nicolas P. Rougier (inria)
Subject: Re: Question on set-window-margins
Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2024 18:24:03 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.8; emacs 29.1

Eli Zaretskii [2024-01-03 at 18:46] wrote:
> If you are interested, you can get the full documentation of > any > Emacs Lisp function at any time by typing C-h f and then the > name > of the function (and then RET). Similarly, you can get the > full > documentation for a variable by typing C-h v and then the name > of > the variable (and then RET). I don't see what's wrong with that text (which is in the Emacs Lisp
Introduction manual).

I (maybe wrongly) understand from that sentence that I can get full documentation for a function by typing 'C-h f' which is obviously not the case because, as you underlined, other information is available in the manual. The "full" is misleading.


Nicolas P. Rougier —— www.labri.fr/perso/nrougier
Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Bordeaux

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