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[RFC] Proposed change to EWW history navigation

From: Jim Porter
Subject: [RFC] Proposed change to EWW history navigation
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 12:04:09 -0800

Over in bug#69232[1], I've posted a patch to change how history navigation in EWW works (read: when you go back/forward). Currently, every time you go back or forward, it adds the current page to the end of the history, even when that page is already *in* the history. This means that if you navigate back to a previous page, and then forwards again, it will keep adding duplicate pages to the history. This means you can never reach the "end" of your history this way. (You can see full steps to reproduce this over at the bug.)

In my mind, this behavior isn't useful and is likely just a bug, so I've changed it in my patch to be more consistent with other browsers. However, since history navigation is a pretty fundamental thing (and EWW has had this behavior for a long time), I want to be sure no one is relying on the current behavior. So...

Is there anyone reading who prefers the current behavior? If so, could you let me know what you use it for? Depending on people's answers, we could leave my patch as-is, add a user option to restore the old behavior, or even add separate new features to meet people's needs.

[1] https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=69232

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