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Process for reviewing patches as someone without commit access

From: Christopher Baines
Subject: Process for reviewing patches as someone without commit access
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2023 16:55:12 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.10.5; emacs 28.2


I've been reviewing the list of ideas on and around QA ([1]) recently,
and got thinking again about how to support people without commit access
reviewing patches. Obviously you don't need commit access to review
patches, but where I think we need some process is how to expedite
someone with commit access taking a look at the patches that have been
reviewed, and merging them if appropriate.


Maybe we can use debbugs tags for this? It looks like this has already
been done in the past, I found some issues tagged with the usertag
"reviewed" for example [1]. Some were also tagged with
"reviewed-looks-good". I guess my primary concern is to have a tag (or
combination of tags) which indicate that a committer should have a look
at the issue as it's been reviewed by someone and should be ready to
merge. I don't really use debbugs much, but does anyone have any
opinions on appropriate tags?


Once we know what tags to use, I can have the QA frontpage do something
similar to the "Mark as moreinfo" links, so it's easy to just click a
button then send the email to change the state of a issue.


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