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Re: changing the midi instrument; broken

From: Graham Percival
Subject: Re: changing the midi instrument; broken
Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2006 22:26:51 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20060719)

Ted Walther wrote:
The lilypond manual is so good, and appears so
complete, that I forgot I was still in Unix land.

Burn!  That was harsh.  I'm going to save this for .sig material.  :)

On a serious note...

 In Windows, there is
an immense amount of repetition, which saves people from hunting through
the documentation.  Each help topic assumes the user knows nothing, and
tells them what they need to complete the task at hand.  I need to bite
the bullet and read the whole manual straight through, which I will try
to do today.

I agree with this analysis (but I'm still committed to doing it the unix way). If you're reading the manual through, please look at the 2.9 manual. I've greatly expanded the "general knowledge" chapters in the beginning; if we need to clarify this issue, it would probably be in those chapters.

The documentation of lyrics has got me befuddled on the notion of
contexts, as I haven't seen anywhere it clearly says what I can do in
lyricsmode that I can't do in lyricsto, although the documentation does
state that there is a difference.  Perhaps the complete read-through of
the manual will clear it up.

If you figure it out, let me know. I don't use vocal music, so I've barely touched that section. I'm happy for corrections, though.

- Graham

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