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Re: Gregorian notation - augmentum problem

From: Noeck
Subject: Re: Gregorian notation - augmentum problem
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2015 01:03:55 +0100
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Dear Michael, all,

> Maybe I just don't understand the usecase. You might want to explain
> what you are trying to achieve. Possibly then we can find a better
> solution.

thanks for your help. I am trying to copy this chant:

I have attached the LilyPond file which produces my copy. While you are
right in general that the augmentum is usually at the end of a phrase
and perhaps a good point to break, you can see from the score that there
are also 'dotted notes' in the beginning or the middle of a phrase.

In the attached score I changed some things compared to my initial
question: Iadded the layout settings by Phil (-> better spacing,
especially by removing the Default_bar_line_engraver), I removed the
ligatures \[ \] around single notes which I had before -> this gave me
most of the augmentum dots (marked in green). I did not use \cadenzaOn
any longer, because it also led to missing augmentum dots. I added
manual line breaks.

The main remaining problems are:

I marked the places where the \augmentum works in green and where the
dot is moved to wrong places in red. Does anybody know how to cure those
red \augmentums? The last one does not work out-of-the box but it is
fixed by a spacer rest as suggested in
Lilypond gives me warnings that I should split the ligature after the
augmented note, but if I do so, I get large gaps I don't want.

How can I place the ictus centered below the note as in the original
score? What grob type is it. It does not respond to changes to Script

Other (less urgent) questions are (I am happy if people reading this
just pick what they know):
- Can I reduce the space before the first note?
- Can the flexa been with a line of constant width like in the original?
- Why does the last ligature tuck in under the three notes before?
- Can I put text under a bar line? Putting the "*" after 'inténde:'
instead of before 'qui'? Anything better than \set stanza
- Is it a typical style to have the hyphens attached to the previous
syllable or is the centred hyphen just a feature other applications
do not have? (Si- on instead of Si - on)

Thanks in advance

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