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[Monotone-devel] collection versus branch

From: Peter Simons
Subject: [Monotone-devel] collection versus branch
Date: 05 Apr 2004 12:19:35 +0200


I have been trying to set-up a monotone netsync server of my
own, but I have had some problems -- and no idea what I am
doing wrong.

I created the server.db, public key and permissions.lua file
as instructed in the documentation. Then I started the

 | $ monotone --norc --db server.db --rcfile=permissions.lua \
 |     serve to.cryp.mapson
 | monotone: rebuilding merkle trees for collection to.cryp.mapson
 | monotone: beginning service on : 5253

Now I try to push the branch in question into the repository
but get an error:

 | $ monotone push to.cryp.mapson
 | monotone: rebuilding merkle trees for collection to.cryp.mapson
 | monotone: [keys: 1] [mcerts: 64]
 | monotone: connecting to
 | monotone: [bytes in: 800] [bytes out: 712]
 | monotone: warning: caught bad_decode exception processing \
 |     peer 'mcert \
 |     '004c3f8435e083e80c386eee97895103dde27041' does not \
 |     exist in our database'
 | monotone: processing on fd 5 (peer \
 |     finished, disconnecting

And monotone is right: This particular mcert does not exist,
neither in the client- nor in the server database. But what
do I do about that?

One other question: Is it possible to run a netsync server,
which serves more than one collection at a time? Or is it
possible to have several branches within one collection? I
have *lots* of separate projects (branches) in the to.cryp.*
namespace, and I don't want to start a dozen server
processes for that! Did I miss something there?


P. S.: On the "Network Service" page, the example says:

 | function get_netsync_read_permitted (collection, identity)
 |   if (identity == address@hidden) then return true end
 |   return false
 | end

But monotone doesn't accept this code, because the string is
not in quotes.

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