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[Monotone-devel] Re: collection versus branch

From: Peter Simons
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Re: collection versus branch
Date: 05 Apr 2004 23:19:16 +0200

graydon hoare writes:

 >    monotone reindex to.cryp.mapson

That did the trick. Thanks!

 >    monotone serve collection1 collection2 collection3 ...

That's quite an useful information. :-)

 > a collection is a prefix of some branches.

The "reindex" fixed this problem as well. Before I had run
that command, Monotone didn't recognize that to.cryp
encompasses to.cryp.mapson, for example. Now it does.

 > I figured "prefixes of branch names" would feel somewhat
 > natural. if you think this is too awkward or unintuitive,
 > I can pick something else (1 merkle tree per branch?)

Oh, that's not necessary; I am perfectly happy with the
prefix-approach. I was just confused because it didn't work.

One more question: My database contains a myriad a branches
-- one per project. However, most of those projects are
_libraries_, which are re-used in several other projects.
For example, the Makefile of the mapSoN project contains
the target

        monotone --branch=to.cryp.RegExp co RegExp
        monotone --branch=to.cryp.system-error co system-error
        monotone --branch=to.cryp.libgetopt co libgetopt
        monotone --branch=to.cryp.libmd5 co libmd5

which checks out all the other components required to build

Is there any way to group several branches into one
collection? So that someone who fetches to.cryp.mapson would
fetch the other (required) branches as well automatically?


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