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Question about Speech-dispatcher

From: Jan Buchal
Subject: Question about Speech-dispatcher
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 14:44:24 +0100

>>>>> "C" == Christian  <christian08 at runbox.com> writes:

    C> Hi Hermann, I actually tried before i installed the 0.6.6 install
    C> the 0.6.5 package but it crashed several times, at least when I
    C> was using ViaVoice. So there is also one other reason why I want
    C> to do it from source. Christian

If you need you can rebuild SD fromm source:

apt-get source speech-dispatcher
cd speech-dispatcher.../
dpkg-buildpackages -uc -us

But before i recoment create speech-dispatcher directory, here make
apt-get source because dpkg-buildpackages build .deb in up.

You have add in your sources.list deb-src for sid ofcourse and then
apt-get update

Have a nice day


Jan Buchal
Tel: (00420) 24 24 86 008
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