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createActionTo question/error

From: Ken Cline
Subject: createActionTo question/error
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 1997 00:16:35 -0400 (EDT)

Hi all!

I don't seem to be able to execute actions that use 2
arguments.  Is this not supported yet?

In particular, I create the following action with no

   [ displayActions createActionTo: self 
                           message: M(updateHisto:)
                                  : (id)aHisto 
                                  : (id)aList       ];

But when the action is executed by the schedule, I get the
following error:

   error: AgentObserver (instance)
   AgentObserver does not recognize updateHisto:
   Abort (core dumped)

I interpret this to mean that the Schedule class does not
support actions with 2 arguments.  Or perhaps I am doing
something wrong?

I have a "work around" that stores the second argument in a
static variable (with file scope) and then I create an
action which only requires 1 argument.  That is:

      static id tempList = aList;
      [ displayActions createActionTo: self 
                              message: M(updateHisto:)
                                     : (id)aHisto      ];

This works but it isn't a good solution.

If it isn't possible to execute actions which have 2
arguments then I would probably try storing the second
argument inside a subclass of Histo.  (I would, of course,
have to create that subclass first.)

FYI, here's a little more of context within which I was
trying to schedule the "updateHisto" action:

-(void) buildHistoFor: (id <List>) aList {
   Histo * aHisto = NULL;

    * Setup the histogram
   aHisto = [ Histo create: [self getZone] ];
        ... Histo setup ...
   [ aHisto pack ];

    * Schedule the update of the histogram
   [ displayActions createActionTo: self 
                           message: M(updateHisto:)
                                  : (id)aHisto 
                                  : (id)aList ];


-(void) updateHisto: (id) aHisto : (id) aList {
   [ aHisto drawHistoWithInt: [agent getDataFor: aList] ];

As I was writing this I tried out some other ideas... 
It appears as if
   [ displayActions createActionTo: self 
                           message: M(updateHisto:)
                                  : (id)aHisto 
                                  : (id)aList ];

is actually dropping the last argument.  That is, it is
equivalent to:
   [ displayActions createActionTo: self 
                           message: M(updateHisto:)
                                  : (id)aHisto ];

Because, when I provide the following method:
   -(void) updateHisto: (id) aHisto {

I see this function called even though I created the action
with 2 arguments (i.e. aHisto and aList).

Thanks for any help.


PS: My apologies for this rather confusing post; it sort of
reflects of my current state of mind.

Complete code for the "buildHistoFor:" method:

-(void) buildHistoFor: (id <List>) aList {
   int numPoints = [ aList getCount ];
   char * labels[ numPoints ];
   char * colors[ numPoints ];
   id <subAgent> subAgent = NULL;
   id <ListIndex> aListIndex = NULL;
   int i = 0;
   Histo * aHisto = NULL;

    * Make sure we have a a displaySchedule and
    * and ActionGroup
   if ( displaySchedule == NULL )
      [ self buildDisplaySchedule ];
   if ( displayActions == NULL ) {
      displayActions = [ ActionGroup create: [self getZone] ];
      [ displaySchedule at: getCurrentTime()
              createAction: displayActions   ];

    * Use the List to setup the "labels" and "colors"
    * arrays need to setup the histogram
   aListIndex = [ aList begin: [self getZone] ];
   for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
      if ( [aListIndex getLoc] == End ) {
         labels[ i ] = "?";
         colors[ i ] = "black";
      subAgent = [ aListIndex next ];
      if ( subAgent == NULL ) {
         labels[ i ] = "?";
         colors[ i ] = "black";
      else {
         labels[ i ] = [ subAgent getAgentName  ];
         if ( [subAgent respondsTo: M(getAgentColor)] == TRUE )
            colors[ i ] = [ subAgent getAgentColor ];
            colors[ i ] = "black";
   } // end For-loop

    * Setup the histogram
   aHisto = [ Histo create: [self getZone] ];
      [ aHisto setWidth: 600
                 Height: 400               ];
      [ aHisto setNumPoints: numPoints
                     Labels: labels
                     Colors: colors        ];
      [ aHisto title: "Agent Data"         ];
      [ aHisto axisLabelsX: "Agent"
                         Y: "Share"        ];
      [ self updateHisto: aHisto : aList   ];
      [ marketShareHisto pack              ];
    * Schedule the update of the histogram
   [ displayActions createActionTo: self 
                           message: M(updateHisto:) 
                                  : (id)aHisto 
                                  : (id)aList ];

Ken Cline                             address@hidden
SAIC                                 VOICE (410) 571-0413
Annapolis, MD                          FAX (301) 261-8427

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