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Re: Swarm and Java Applet

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Swarm and Java Applet
Date: 25 Mar 2001 07:56:42 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "GNF" == Gustavo Nucci Franco <address@hidden> writes:

GNF> And that’s the question: is it possible to run a Swarm
GNF> application in an Applet extension? I have designed my own
GNF> graphical interface to show the animation and the model’s
GNF> control. But my first problem is that the java.lang cannot find
GNF> the swarm/SwarmEnvironment class. 

Swarm can work in Mozilla (e.g. Netscape 6), as a XPCOM plugin.  Right
now, the only languages I've really tested in this framework are
JavaScript and C++.  For Java, there are two possibilities: 1) simply
load the existing Java/Swarm DLLs into Mozila by using a privileged
XPCOM startup call, and 2) use the Java XPCOM layer that Sun is
developing.  At this point, I suspect #2 would be pretty fragile and
hard to get running -- as of a couple weeks ago it was, at least.

GNF> So, I could not initialize the SwarmEnvironment as a
GNF> java.lang.Object. Is there any alternative?  Won't any other
GNF> Swarm class work such as SwarmImpl?

SwarmEnvironment, etc. are declared in /Swarm-2.1.1/share/swarm/swarm.jar
and defined in /Swarm-2.1.1/bin/javaswarm.dll.  Because there is native
code involved, a typical Java applet isn't possible.

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