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[Swarm-Support] ftp.swarm.org site is up again (was Re: still looking fo

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: [Swarm-Support] ftp.swarm.org site is up again (was Re: still looking for ant...)
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 2004 03:07:01 -0800

>>>>> "PJ" == Paul Johnson  writes:

PJ> As I was watching these emails, I was wondering, why doesn't he
PJ> just go to ftp://ftp.santafe.edu/pub/swarm/apps, where all this
PJ> stuff lives. Then I tried it myself and found the ftp
PJ> unresponsive, so until that gets worked out, I've logged into my
PJ> guest account down there and zapped all those apps files onto a
PJ> web server I can use.  There's some justice in this, as I was the
PJ> one whining about reorganizing the ftp last year.


is now back up online on a more different (and hopefully more
reliable) ftp server thanks to the friendly folks at the CSCS @ UMich.
Thanks Josh and Rick!  You shouldn't need the SFI ftp site
ftp.santafe.edu any longer.

You should be able to get all the older source/docs/apps from this ftp
site.  Let me know if there are any problems.   We should try and make
this the primary repository if possible to ensure that there aren't
multiple inconsistent versions of the apps around.

      Alex Lancaster |  Swarm Development Group  |  http://www.swarm.org

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