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Re: [Tlf-devel] External scoring system for tlf

From: David Quental
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] External scoring system for tlf
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 17:36:43 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (X11/20051201)

Hello Bob,

tks for your answer.
Hello David,

That is not a problem. All island stations send the IOTA reference number, not just dxpeditions. Any contact with an island station is worth 15 points, dxpedition or not. The only exception is that if an island station contacts another island station with the same IOTA ref, it only counts 3 points.

Well, if all islands stations will send their iota ref it is all ok and TLF will work great.
Here are the pertinent portions of the rules <>:

Send RS(T) and serial number starting from 001, plus IOTA reference number if applicable (island stations MUST include the IOTA reference as part of their exchange). Do not use separate numbering systems for CW and SSB. Stations may be contacted on both CW and SSB on each band.

Well, MUST answers to my question :) :) :) .
7.1 QSO Points – All entrants can work anyone, island or non-island. Contacts with non-island stations count 3 points. Contacts with IOTA islands count 15 points except that, if you are on an island, contacts with your own IOTA reference count 3 points.

I tested it with TLF and no problem at all.

I saw SDI software and there is a file named IOTA.REF, when I wrote a island callsign, ie, CU1CB (that belongs to IOTA ref EU-003) it showed me some IOTA ref's, all belong to Azorian Islands. Maybe for IOTA contest it is needed to add an IOTA file to allow TLF 'knows' where each callsign belongs to, it is my thought, probably it is wrong.

All that is needed is the IOTA reference number, which is part of the exchange, so that should not be necessary for the contest.

Yes, you are right.

But I noted this:
I configured my portable and desktop to work under a LAN, it runs fine, but if I have 2 qsos in both computers and push enter key, at same time in both computers, I get same logging number in both. Is it possible to solve this 'problem'???

In exchange, for IOTA or another contests that work with serial number, some stations only send 1 for 001, or 11 for 011. During my tests I can see if I enter a exchange 1 it couts to 1, 9 to 9, etc etc. Is that possible change TLF that if I enter 1, that stands for 001, that will be change to 001 in log file??? Maybe last ask could be configured in TLF, if it is the case, pse let me know and my excuses.
Bob, N7XY

Best 73s.

David Quental

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