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Re: License notices (important!)

From: Bastiaan Veelo
Subject: Re: License notices (important!)
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 00:15:48 +0100
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Peter Simons wrote:

I recognize that many of the subscribers here have
contributed contents to the archive. I understand that you
have an emotional investment in the way the archive is run
because you have an emotional investment in the macros that
you contributed.

I can only speak for myself, but emotions have not motivated me to ask you to make changes to how the archive works. Instead, there is a very practical motivation. Many macro contributors may not be as committed to their contribution as I am, so it may not be (have been) that obvious.

Anyone building an archive of autoconf macro's serves a population of users. I like my macro being part of an archive because it increases the number of users of my macro. It is a complex macro and it aims at a moving target, so people send me bug reports and patches. So there is a strong relation, collaboration, between my users and me, and it runs /through/ the archive. The archive is a link in how we are connected. To make this collaboration work, I have some real "needs" of how the archive (any archive) works, on how it affects what I send in and what the user gets. That is my core motivation for my "involvement" with the archive; I really do not see any archive as "partly mine" because I have contributed content, I simply do not have emotions of this kind.

The emotions that I have regarding my macro is pride because others think it is worth distributing and using. That's about it :-)

Best regards,

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