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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: planner task syntax

From: Torsten Anders
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: planner task syntax
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 21:03:11 +0200

Dear Michael,

Thank you very much for your most informative answer.

On 05.04.2006, at 18:50, Michael Olson wrote:
Torsten Anders <address@hidden> writes:
Does there exist some doku which explains the syntax for a planner


  <PRIORITY> :: A | B | C

    A :: high priority
    B :: medium priority
    C :: low priority

  <STATUS> :: _ | D | X | P | C | o

    _ :: open
    D :: delegated
    X :: done
    P :: pending
    C :: cancelled
    o :: in progress

  <DESCRIPTION> :: <text> ( "{{" <TAG> "}}" )* ( "(" <PARTNERS> ")" )?

    <TAG> :: ( Tasks:<TASK_ID> | Deadline:<DATE> | ... )

    <PARTNERS> ::
      (simple case) :: <PAGE_NAME>

      (with planner-multi) :: ( <PAGE_NAME> <PAGE_SEPARATOR> )*

         <PAGE_SEPARATOR> (by default) :: " "

Thank you very much! Still more questions though, sorry.

Can I create arbitrary tags (i.e. tags possibly not yet supported by some planner extension)? For example, I would like to record an estimated requirement of time for a task (and later add what I really needed). So, could I have something like

#B _ some test {{Est: 3h}}

.. I may later even write myself some planner extension to evaluate such figures (say, accumulate how much time I estimated to finish on a certain day..)

What kind of pages can be linked such that edits are reflected
automatically? The usual case is some date (like today). However, I
would like to organise my plans, for example, in larger time frames
like having as link [[May.2006]]. I once succeeded in creating such
a task and editing the task was then reflected in the file/buffer
May.2006. Still, I couldn't reproduce that :-/

A task must have a task ID in order for edits to be automatically
propagated between instances of the same task in different files.

To add this ID, either create tasks using M-x planner-create-task or
run M-x planner-id-add-task-id after moving to the task.

I see, it should not create a task ID by hand. Still, can I have some arbitrarily named 'partner' page name and can I manually enter that like

#B _ some test [[May.2006]]


Besides, having multiple related pages would be interesting for me. Unfortunately, I didn't got that working. Do I simply add multiple links to the end of the task like

#B _ some test [[link 1]] [[link 2]]

When I try this, the links work but the task is not listed on that page.

BTW: the doc introduces the function 'planner-multi-copy-tasks-to-page', but that seems not to exist on my planner.

Sorry, if the number of questions exceed what is allowed in a single post..

The good thing is, we now have at least 3 different tasks that
interested contributors could pursue to help make Planner better. :^)

Thank you for taking it that way ;-)


Torsten Anders
Sonic Arts Research Centre
Queen's University Belfast (UK)

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